Chapter 5. At that one party

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A/N: Okay so F/L/N means 'First letter of your name'

Your POV

Cadenza had just rushed me to my room. I layed in bed crying while eating ice cream. Cadenza was distracting everyone from coming near my room.

"Hey I'm back!~" Cadenza came in. "Don't worry they're all in their rooms!"

"Did they ask anything?"

"Yeah, I just told them you weren't feeling well and you need space."

"T-thank you Cadenza..." She nodded as a way of saying "You're welcome".

She's such an amazing friend...

After that I fell asleep.

Cadenza's POV

Y/n had just fallen asleep. I knocked on Garroth's door, he opened it confused.

"Hey Garroth, can I talk to my brother?" He nodded, Laurance came towards the door.

"Hey Cadenza, what's up?" He didn't look sad or angry... he looked happy. Little did he know, Y/n felt the opposite way.

"We need to talk" He had a confused face. "Outside."

We walked outside the house we were currently stating at, the Ro'meave house.

"Why did you say that?!?" I asked furiously.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you say you didn't like Y/n?"

"Wait you could hear that?!?" He said.

"Yup... and so could Y/n.."

"Shit...Wait- is she okay?!? Wait she is fine, right?" He asked.

"Not at all Laurance, not at all..." I answered.

"I don't know if this is a good or not... on one side, she doesn't know I still like her, on the other... she's hurt."

"I think you should tell her how you feel!"

"Cadenza you know I can't... "

~The next day~~
Your POV

I woke up trying to remember what had happened last night. Oh yeah...him.

I did my regular morning routine. I decided to go to school early. Yesterday was the first Music club meeting but it got cancelled since the school had an incident with the cooking club. I walked towards my locker to get some stuff out of my backpack.

"Hey F/L/N" I turn around to see an old friend. Sasha...

"Hey Sasha, how's life treating ya?"

"I'm guessing your brother hasn't warned you about my friends and I, huh?"

"Wait warned?" I gasped. "Wait do they attend Pdh too?!?"

"Yup come on!" I followed her to the bleachers. There I see two familiar teenagers. Gene and Zenix.

"Guess who I found!~" They look at me.

"SK/N!!" They both said at the same time. (It means 'Shadow Knight Nickname', I didn't want to write it in the biggening since it would ruin the surprise)

"Hey guys! Did you miss me?"

"Of course!" We all hugged. (Yes Sasha too)

"Hey F/l/n, wanna rejoin the Shadow Knights?" Sasha asked me.

Dear Diary, Am I even good enough..? ( A Laurance x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora