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Ashiah Symone Bryier

"Bae for real stop playing and come here" I said as I sat on the toilet waiting for Kentrell to come in the bathroom

Once he came in he just stood there looking at me. I guess we was having a staring contest til he broke the silence

"What you call me in here fa' lit' girl?"

"I peed longer then I usually do" I told him and he sucked his teeth and turned around getting ready to walk out

"I'm not finna play with you, mane. Whats yo' point?"

"I think my water broke" he stopped and turned around mugging me. He started laughing like something was funny

This nigga dumb as hell

"Water can't fucking break" he said as I got some tissue and wiped myself

"Kentrell you so fucking dumb, for real. I ain't never met somebody so stupid, I pray my baby don't come out acting like you"

I flushed the toilet and walked weirdly over to the sink.

"Say, what I told you bout calling me that?"

"You not my daddy nigga, so you ain't tell me shit. Kentrell I think my water broke, I feel abnormal"

"You keep saying you think yo' water broke and I don't know what that is. I don't even know what abnormal mean"

"I'm probably finna have yo' son nigga. Is that better fa' you?" he smiled hard and started dancing as I turned the water off

I pushed him out my way and walked out the bathroom

"You can start pushing him out now?" he asked following behind me

"No" I made my way over to my bed, we was back in Baton Rouge cause we want to have the baby in Louisiana

I was back in the house with my momma so that mean I was in my old room. I didn't take nothing with me but my clothes

Everything still here ain't nothing changed

"Go tell yo' mo — bae youn feel that running down yo' leg?" I looked down and my leggings was wet, I started freaking out cause this weird

"ewww get it off of me, get it off me. Kentrell please" he rushed out the room and came back with my momma

"girl stop doing all'at, you ain't dying" she said coming over to me and looking at me "change yo' clothes Ashiah. You not hurting?"

I shook my head no

"What that mean I'm scared?" I asked, I looked over at Kentrell and he was laughing at me

"Shut up this ain't funny"

"You did it to yo' self" he said clapping and falling everywhere

Am I the only one who think this ain't funny?"

"No you did it stupid ass nigga. This yo' fault I'm leaking" he laughed harder

"Shhhh Damn y'all childish" my momma said causing me to mug her. Just cause I'm pregnant don't mean I ain't still no child "it's both of y'all faults"

I changed my clothes and calmed down before laying down and going to sleep. It was late and I wasn't going to no hospital

My due date in two days so if this baby pop out in the middle of my sleep I won't be surprised. I was woken to this shock pain

I Ignored it and managed to go back to sleep. I woke up again and it got worse, I wanted to cry.

I slowly sat up and just sat there in the dark waiting on it to stop. It'll stop for at least three minutes then it'll come back

"Kentrell" I said lowly shaking him and he didn't move "Kentrell" I said a little louder causing him to move

"huh?" he said in a raspy voice before turning over onto his side

he turned his back away from me and started rocking back and forth. I knew he wasn't listening to me and it made me frustrated

When Kentrell sleep he rock back and forth. I don't know why he do it but it's weird. I groaned from the pain in my lower left side of my stomach

"breath Ashiah, breathe" I said to myself as I started to focus on breathing "Kentrell" I whined and he jumped up

I couldn't see him cause it was dark but I could tell he look stupid

"What's wrong with you why you crying?" he asked as he got up out the bed, he turned the light on

"it, it h-hurt" I said stumbling over my words causing him to run over to me

"Lay down, you want some wa—" I cut him off cause for some reason he was pissing me off

" NO SHUT UP" he mugged me and shook his head no

"Don't me to shut up, you suppose to be hurting?" He asked tryna help me lay down

"Desean I don't know please shut the hell up. If this baby don't get out of me ima beat everybody ass" I threatened as he fixed the pillows around me

" say, you wildin' stop telling me to shut up and I'm helping you" he left out the room and it stopped

"stupid ass body" I said mad, Kentrell came back in the room with my momma

"Ashiah you need to go to the hospital, you ain't having no baby here. Come ima helping you get up"

" no ma get out my face, I ain't moving. If I move it's gone come back" I said waving my hand to get her out

"You having contractions, so you need to be at a hospital. The ambulance on the way so you need to get up"

I just broke down crying cause this to much

"Poota get up, we tryna help you" just when I was bout to say something the contractions started back

I winced loudly in pain tryna breathe in and out as best as I could. I finally was able to get up and Kentrell and my momma put my clothes on

The ambulance came and loaded me up into the truck taking me to the hospital. My momma followed behind us in her car

I can't believe I'm finna have a damn baby ...


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