Chapter 13 : A Birthday Party. ( 1 )

Start from the beginning

After I was done I ran into my room again and grabbed a dress. Why didn't they invite me earlier? Ugh. I don't think I'm gonna make it in time. 

Harry's POV.

" I didn't expect she'd say yes." I said as I dressed myself. " Yeah, obviously." Courtney said as she was doing her make up. Yes, she saw me dressing myself but I wasn't naked so I didn't care. And hello, I'm Harry Styles, I'm sure she didn't mind seeing me half naked. Ahaha. " So you think she likes me?" I hit my face after I asked that. She turned around and gave me the 'bitch please' look. " Harry Edward Styles. May I tell you a little story about this girl Alexis? She has been obsessed and in love with your face ever since I showed a picture of you guys. Every time she watched a new video or picture, she died. Cause you, my friend, are her favourite of the band. Now iif you think she doesn't like you, you must go see a optician." I busrt out of laughter and blushed. " Oh, Stop it you." I said and pulled her into a hug. " Okay. Okay. Yes. Thank you. Yes. Okay. Yup." Was all she said and patted my back. We both burst out of laughter when Josh screamed from downstairs. "We're leaving!" I pulled back and looked at her. " LEGGO!" We yelled at the same time making the both of us laugh even more.

We arrived at Alexis' place. Huge house! Wtf. She never told me she lived like this. Lol, not that I thought she was poor or something. Ahah. The door of the house opened and the most gorgeous girl in the world walked outside. My eyes widened and my heart was pounding. What is air. " Harry?!" Josh snapped his fingers in my face. " Help the lady into the car. Act like a gentleman." He said and I immediately jumped out of the car. I walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "You look beautiful Miss." I said and she blushed. "You look very handsome yourself." She said and grabbed my hand. LAKHD. LKHSLFDKHA. Omfg, i think i'm actually in love with this girl. I walked her to the car and we both stepped in.

Alexis' POV

We walked into the house. This house was huge! It was Zayn's house btw. Yes, they live together. So cute. I looked around me and the place was filled with people. People i've never seen lol. I suddenly heard me name. "Hey you must be Alex!" I turned around and saw the beautiful Perrie standing there with Zayn holding her waist. "Yes! Hi nice to finally meet you Perrie! This is my best friend Courtney." I practically yelled as the music was too loud to talk properly. She gave us both a hug and walked away with Zayn. Harry grabbed my hand. "May i ask you, if you want something to drink ma'am?" He asked and kissed the top of my hand. "Yes. Please." I said and we both walked to the kitchen where we could find drinks. He gave me my drink. "Cheers to my beautiful date. And to a great night." He said and kissed my cheek. He probably likes that cause he does that a lot. Just like Noah. Who couldn't come to the party. He wasnt allowed to come for some stupid reasons. Had to do with school and stuff, i don't even know. "Cheers." I whispered and took a sip of my drink. Harry kept staring into my eyes. We had that little moment, till it got interrupted by Zayn. I coughed. "Shall we go back or?" He nodded and took my arm. We walked back to the livingroom where people were dancing and being drunk. And it was only 9 pm. I thought i drank much. I doubt that now. 

After i finished my drink me and Courtney started dancing. Soon enough Perrie joined us with her friend Leigh Anne. They were super nice! We were having a great time. Then i suddenly felt two arms around my waist. I turned around and saw Harry standing behind me. I smiled and started dancing. His body pressed against mine, while we were dancing. I felt his hot breath in my neck while he held me tight against him. It made me shiver. "You're a good dancer." He whispered. I bit my bottom lip and looked up. Everyone was staring. Well, not actually everyone. Only the lads, and Courtney Perrie & Leigh. I smiled and continued what i was doing. Believe it or noot, i totally forgot about everything that happened the day before. I'm so glad i went to this party, and it only just started. Yeah.

I walked upstairs to find a bathroom. Zayn told me it was somewhere, but i'm fricking waisted so yeah i was too stupid to think straight. "Wheeeeere's tha motharfuckin bathrooom?" I yelled as nobody was upstairs. I walked into a room, probably a bedroom since there was a bed. Haha. I leaned against the wall and sat down. I held my head in my hands, ready to puke all over the place. There was a office chair standing next to me so i grabbed it and pulled myself up. It did not work so i almost fell to the ground. I burst out of laughter and almost peed myself. I sat down again waiting for some to save me. And yes, it worked cause there was someone to save me. He stumbled into the bedroom. "Hi curly!" I yelled and he burst out of laughter. "waisted much?" He asked and i nodded. He sat down on the chair. I played with my fingers while i felt him staring at me. I looked up and i was right he was staring at me. He leaned closer and closer and closer... But then his hand slipped of the chair and he fell off. Ontop of me of course. I couldn't stop laughing and crying. What is air. Harry Styles is lying on top of me, in a bedroom, and there's nobody around. I cannot even. I looked at him while still laughing. He stared into my eyes. He leaned in again, but this time to kiss me. His face came closer and closer..


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. DLKHSLKHDFKDFH. Will they kiss? I don't know. Heheheheheheh. I'll update the rest tomorrow. I'm tired. (:

Heres a nice picture of Harrehh.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

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