~Chapter 19~

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(Nathaniel's point of view)

I woke up to the sound of the creaking lamp swaying above me, and heavy boots hitting the ground. My eyes slowly opened with my senses activating once more feeling the cold concrete underneath me that I could never quite get used to.

My eyes fully opened to the elderly man that was the first to visit me after I had arrived, he walked in with a man wearing a hat and sunglasses. The Elderly man stood back as his goon that looked like a anime character came towards me.

"Wow, did you just pop out of a anime because you look cartoonish!" I laughed to myself expecting a kick in the ribs like usual but he simply stood and for a moment a sense of worry overtook me. Not for my own wellbeing but for Alana's, so far I had been the only one they took their rage out on. This man was different, just like the elderly one observing us.

"Is that really the best you can come up with." The voice came out electronically filled with static, they hid their voice from my just like the kept away their physical features. "Pitiful."

"Why are you wearing a voice modifier anime man, your master won't even let you speak?" He rolled his eyes at me before going into the darkness while I struggled against the chains.

My sense of worry only grew as he Alana got dragged out in front of me, handcuffs were placed on her wrists as she struggled against the man. His sunglasses fell revealing dark jade eyes striking Alana's stormy eyes, he muttered underneath his breath to her and she fell lax.

"Prove your Loyalty and our deal will be done boy, and a hero to her you will finally be." The Elderly man spoke watching the 'boy' with a close eye focusing on his every move with a fine toothed comb.

The boy went from Alana regret filling his eyes, hesitating slightly before raising his fist and dealing a blow to my stomach. His eyes went back to Alana's eyes for a moment hesitation in every punch he threw my way, the two communicated between every punch with their eyes.

They knew each other in some capacity well enough to be able to recognize him simply by his jade orbs that looked everywhere but my eyes. She smiled softly with pity laced on each lip and slowly shook her head with tears falling down her eyes. The elderly man just watched with an emotionless expression, though he seemed to like what he saw of this man's loyalty.

But then I remembered the words he had said before, "and a hero to her you will finally be." and as the boy threw his punches to various areas of my body I remembered something Emily had said to me.


(Second Semester, First Year 2012)

We were chatting in the cafeteria over two bowls of fried rice and orange chicken, her favorite lunch time meal. Eventually the topic of siblings came up as we munched over our meals and I couldn't tell her much about mine. She took the lead talking about him with the small smile filled with fondness that she only gave when he was in the conversation.

"I have an older brother who is honestly like my rock, I know I've told you a little bit about my family well..." She paused slightly and shook her head with a smile, "He always made sure that I never felt alone."

She took a bite of her chicken moaning slightly at the sweet food yet spicy food, and she pushed her hair back behind her face not wanting any of the locks to get in any of her food. She twirled a piece of hair around her finger, which was something she did a lot when she was happy.

"He's my Hero honestly, and he's always has been there for me." I smiled at her, our school cafeteria was buzzing around us all rapidly yet for a moment I lived in her smile. Perhaps, if I was a hopeful person, I could believe that she was living in mine as her emerald eyes twinkled like it was the precious stone itself at me.

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