Seraph's Story

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This is the story of Seraph, __A__Poets__Heart__. Thank you for sharing. 

This work is titled "My Sapphire Dragon Crown"

And so the prince slayed the dragon. The princess cried for days. She loved that dragon.

When I was a kid, about 4 to 6 years old, my favorite color was pink. When I was 7, my favorite color became blue. I was, and still am, a tomboy. And that's ok. I didn't always make friends with girls. I was like, "Why talk about boys when you can talk with them?" I know, I was weird.

I'm a smart girl. When I was 8 years old, I was at college level reading. I was 10 when I got into writing. I loved giving my female characters ways to win battles that seemed impossible. I love art. I splatter paint night skies. I sometimes sit in my room with my homemade Harry Potter wand, painted blue and silver, underneath the dragon one of my best friends painted on the wall. I sit and think, too much it seems.

When I was a kid, I was a dreamer. I still am, but not as much. My imagination is the only thing that keeps me in reality. It seems weird, but it's true. I have social anxiety. I'm not good at expressing my emotions. So, in order to keep in touch with them, I gave them faces and names. And they live in my brain, in a castle, surrounded by the garden of my memories.

There's Rain. A little Indian girl who represents peace. There's Kevin, a dragon, whose almost always sleeping. He's anger. I suggest you all keep your Kevins asleep. Anton (Anxiety) and Carl (Apathy) get along just fine. They walk around the garden, wearing all black, drinking soda and cracking jokes. Sometimes David (Depression) joins them on their walks.

Zippy (Discontentment) doesn't talk much. He's always running away from Chekov (Self Confidence) who chatters all the time. There's The Void, the great black cat, who narrates all my stories. There's Angel (Awkwardness), Vanessa(Saltiness), Jack (Sarcasm) and Austria who is the embodiment of my ability to do accents.

Smokey is sass. There's a miniature Snape walking around to represent disgust. I have a set of three blonde girls, don't ask why they're blonde, this is no offense to blondes. They represent disinterest. There's Sophie and Stephanie who are silliness and sadness respectively. There's Ivy (Creativity) and Angel (Awkwardness).

There's Batsy (memes) and Patrick (Procrastination). There's Spock, the voice of my conscience and a Mini Me shadowing him. And then there's Phoenix. I haven't seen her in a while. Mini Me is scared of her. Phoenix is love. Sometimes I see her, always when I'm with my family. But frankly, I'm scared of love, and being in love cause of what I've seen it do.

So I stay away.

What is a queen without her king?" A better question is "What is a king without his queen?" A king must always have a queen. A queen doesn't always need a king. Take Queen Elizabeth II for example. Her husband is a prince.

We are often told that we are not enough. Not pretty enough. Too fat, too thin, too tall, too short. Too light skinned, too dark skinned, wearing too much makeup or not enough. Having short hair, or long hair. Stop! Eat whatever you want and if someone makes fun of your weight, eat them too. Beauty is not the price we pay to the world in order to live.

I've said it before, I'm a tomboy. People seem to say, "If you're a tomboy, why do you wear dresses, or makeup, or earrings?" Because I want to. I can rock a tshirt and some black pants, and I can run in a ball gown and heels. A song I love is Tricia's "Good To Be A Girl". The chorus goes: "I can be Wonder Woman one day, a damsel in distress. Fighting off the bad guys in heels and a dress. There's more to me than what it seems, I am complex. It's good to be a girl."

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