Chapter 28: Birthday Party

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-Town Square-

[so, I have been raising my kid for 9 years, today is his 9th birthday and I would like to invite you all to his party]: riku

[huh?!?!? You have a kid?]: all the students & kaito

[yes, the first 9 months of our journey Kiko was pregnant with little Sora]: riku

[so you didn't even do anything to outside you just raised your kid]: kaito

[no, Kiko and I traveled the world for 9 months and then we settled to raise Sora to be a strong young man, he's 9 and can beat giga bears like they were nothing]: riku

[HA?!?!?!? He's 9 and can defeat A rank monsters with ease?]: kirito

[yes, he is a strong boy, he is my son after all]: riku

[well now it looks like I have some competition to beat in skill level]: kirito

[well good luck with that, Sora is a special boy after all, I taught him all he knows in the fighting department]: riku

[well before we go to his birthday party I want to go get him a gift, is there anything he would like?]: kaito

[um... I don't know because right now the king is giving him 9 great gifts for all 9 of his birthdays he missed]: riku

[oh, well then I don't think I could top that then]: kaito

[well i'm sure that he would like to receive a gift from Uncle Kaito anyway, I told him a lot about you as he was growing up and how you were one of my closest friends]: riku

[you really told him about me?]: kaito

[yes, you are family so why wouldn't I tell him about you]: riku

[so we want to go grab presents for Sora too than, so can you guys give us like 30 minutes?]: miko

[yeah we can wait a bit, right Kiko?]: riku

[yeah no problem]: kiko

[ok then, see you in 30 minutes]: all students & kaito

As the students and Kaito went to go get their gifts for Sora me and Kiko have some side conversation.

[so, how board do you think Sora is with your dad?]: riku

[probably not to board but since he cant use the T.V. right now I would say a little]: kiko

[yeah, you both got so addicted to the T.V. once I made it]: riku

[so it's an item from your other world?]: kiko

[yeah, we had them everywhere, once my journey is over I will take you to my world to see them. They probably have changed over 350 years]: riku

[so you can go back?]: kiko

[well I don't see why not I still would like to be a god so I don't want to go back to stay but just to observe a bit is all]: riku

[then maybe we can take Sora too]: kiko

[yes but there's a problem]: riku

[what is it?]: kiko

[Sora is from this world all he knows is kill or be killed, in my old world we look down on killing, even though it happened it was not allowed]: riku

[oh, I see so we would have to teach him the rights and wrongs of that world right? And after he learns them we can go]: kiko

[yes, but first I would like to go there alone for a few days first to see how it has changed and what new rules have been implemented to that world before we go to it]: riku

[that sounds fair, now it's been almost 30 minutes let's put this on hold and get ready to go to the party]: kiko

[sounds good]: riku

After everyone came back to the town square we put all the stuff bought into my storage and started our walk to the castle. When we get there the guards ask who the guests are and we explain who they are.


[ok Sora this is the last of your great 9 gifts to you]: king

[oh, grandpa thank you, this is a lot of magic scrolls]: sora

[father we are home]: kiko

[oh, welcome home my daughter]: king

[mom, dad]: sora

Sora came rushing to us when he seen us, giving us huggs we sit him down and tell him who came and who they were to me on a family level. To me my students are family so they were all his uncles and aunts.

[ok buddy here are all the gifts that we brought you today]: riku

As I unload the gifts I can see over on the kings side that 9 gifts lined the floor, and when the king said great gifts he wasn't lying.

Trying to one up me huh old bastard? After I seen the gifts on the kings side I take a quick look through god's wisdom and look for the strongest monster in this world.

[Bingo]: riku

[huh? You say something?]: kiko

[no, i'll be back in a second I forgot something in my room]: riku

After I left the throne room I teleported to the biggest and strongest monster in history the behemoth, it is next to ancient dragons and a bit stronger. It's skin is so hard that only a divine sword could cut it, the skin of the behemoth is a gray color.

[come here and die for my sons birthday]: riku

[huh?]: behemoth

The behemoths can speak and I found that out when I caught it off by surprise.

After I kill the behemoth I take out Jintō and cut the skin off the behemoth and put it into storage. Teleporting back to the castle I take some dragons scales and behemoth skin and made a cloak for Sora, I enchanted it with protection and power rise. Looking at the cloak I peer at it's status.

SSS Rank Cloak

Resistance: Resist All

Enchantments: Protection Power Rise

EFFECT: Indestructible and All Powerful

Wow this cloak is OP, well I guess it's a good present for Sora, I should also put theft protection on it too. Getting back to the throne room I tell Sora to come to me.

[Sora come here for your presents boy]: riku

[ok dad]: sora

Giving my present to Sora along with a nice sword I had worked on over the years to give to him once he masters all I could teach him. The rest of the night went by nicely, we ate good food have fun with everyone and played some games from my world for adults, like mahjong and the likes. After everyone left Kiko and I told the king good night and we went to our room and set up the T.V. and watched that while we slept.

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