chapter 1: The Awakening

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-White Space-

[Oh, you're awake.]: Unknown.1

[where am I]: Unknown.2

[well you see, I accidentally killed you when you were trying to save an old lady from her path of life]: Unknown.1

[so the path of life is?]: Unknown.2

[well first let's get acquainted, I am what you humans refer to as god, and because i am god i have chosen to bring you here and make you a son of mine and grant you my power]: god

[oh so you are god-sama? Well my name is Riku Akiyama but I prefer people just call me Riku]: Riku

[so I died due to me saving an old lady from her path of like am I correct?]: Riku

[yes it seems that the big truck that was going to hit that lady was taken place by you and now she gets your previous life span and will live for another 70 years]: god

[70 more years? So if im 17 now then i would have died at 87 right?]: Riku

[well yes that's how the path of life works when you are born you are given a path of life by the god of life and when that path is at its end the god of death will come and collect your soul and you will be washed of all sin and evil and be reincarnated as a new person. Not knowing of your previous lives existence you go on over and over forgetting your previous life]: god

[wow that sounds kind of sadistic in a way to give someone something and then take it away after they are dead over and over again]: Riku

[and you said earlier that it's the god of deaths job to take the people that have reached the end of there paths, so why were you trying to take away the old lady and why a truck]: Riku

[well you see, as a god we do not age or get sick but if we work for to long without a break things like the flood of the earth happen we found this out when i was non stop working and accidentally flooded the earth but saved it with a man called Noah.]:god

[so you mean that gods get vacation? And you caused the flood of the earth because you were tired? And who is Noah?]: Riku

[well enough of the questions for now we can talk more later for now let's get down to the main problem, I created a world of sword, myth and magic because on earth I've seen these wonderful things called manga and the creativity you humans have is something remarkable and i've decided to make one to watch how it plays out]: god

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