Chapter 16: Registration & Party

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[hi are you here to register?]: rep

[yes me and my son are here to register in the guild]: kaito

[ok, fill out these forms and wait to be called]: rep

After filling out the forms and waiting we were finally called into the power measurement test room. In the room there is a big crystal ball, probably due to me breaking both of the other ones they had to make a bigger one. Well it doesn't matter, we take turns going up to the measurement tester and place our hands on the ball. Kaito was first and his power read out 3280, the rep looked at him.

[good job you qualify as an E rank adventurer. Now if your son would please do the same and place his hands on the ball.]: rep

I walk slowly up to the tester and slowly put my hand out not knowing if my magic was suppressed or not and then a light shows up and the power reads 3120.

[good job you also qualify as an E rank adventurer. Now if you follow me we can go register and issue your guild cards.]: rep

We leave the test room and head back to the front, while waiting for out guild cards the rep offers to give a run down of the guild and its rules and how to rank up. We accept to see if there were any changes since back in the day.

[ok so to start off you have your ranks they go from beginner to super starting with E, D, C, B, A and S any questions?]: rep

[yeah is there anything above S rank?]: riku

[Well there was, over 300 years ago we had SS Rank and SSS rank but there was only one SSS rank and it was not given to him properly.]: rep

Oh no they still remember me I hope the name didn't pass down too.

[what was the name of this SSS rank adventurer?]: riku

[I believe his name was Reikaku or something, dont worry hes long dead it's been over 300 years after all]: rep

Good they don't remember my name and I wonder what people would think if they knew that I was still alive and right around most of them? Well that is a question that does not need to be answered.

[so was this Reikaku guy someone who was bad?, you said that he got the rank improperly right?]: riku

[yes he was a bad person, word had it after the great guild master ran him out of town he sent the group of s rank monsters to the town to make us suffer for kicking him out of town]: rep

Wow the rumors got worse after I had left well it's insequental now. Ok let's finish the rules and regulations from the guild rep.

[can you continue with the instructions please]: riku

[oh yes let's continue then shall we...]: rep

[now the rules are very simple you can't fight inside of the guild, you can't take requests 2 ranks above you, you can only sell material that you have come across or found if we receive a report of stolen material and you have such a material we must do an

investigation on said material before you can sell it to the guild, any material that we have to dismantle will have a dismantling fee. The harder the material the higher the fee for dismantling is. No killing anyone unless they are a bandit or wanted criminal. That's about all for the rules let's continue about making parties]: rep

Wow the rule are strict and because I never asked about the rules last time I registered I don't know if anything was changed or added.

[parties are essential to group raids or killin monsters if you were to let's say fight a dragon you would need at least 2 S ranks 3 A ranks and 10 B ranks. If you were to go lower then that you would be killed if you have no higher rank members you go with more lower ranks, lets say 100 B ranks 150 C ranks and 300 D ranks that would be the kind of group you would need to take out a dragon. And with those numbers there would still be a lot of casualties.]: rep

[ok so can I register a Party then?]: riku

[sure I assume your dad will be the leader so sir what would you like your party name to be?]: rep

[um... let the kid pick he's old enough to pick our name]: kaito

[ok so riku what would you like your party name to be?]: rep

[make it the Divine Sect. if you would]: riku

[ok Divine Sect. it is and with both of you in this party as E ranks your party level rises to D rank]: rep

When she is getting the party paperwork set up I ponder the thought of if I should sell some of the material I got on my 350 year journey. Then I decided to telepathically tell Kaito to go along with me story.

{Kaito don't freak out ok Im speaking to you telepathically, I have material I got from my journey that I wanna sell what I say go along with it ok?}: riku

Kaito nodded to my telepathy and when we receive our guild cards I speak to the guild rep.

[so when me and my dad were traveling to this town we came across a lot of dead monsters like someone had killed them and left them and because I have a special magic that I learned from the church that me and my dad lived at I can put things in a non existing space they called it space magic. Can I sell these monsters?]: riku

[as long as nobody has reported them as stolen let me see them if you would]: rep

[it's better if we go out somewhere big enough like an open field]: riku

We go to an open field outside of town and I drop only 1 out of like 200 dragons some giga bears and a giant snake all of which I killed but I will say we found them already dead.


[we were surprised too when we found it... so can we sell this stuff?]: riku

[well we know for sure that none of this has been reported stolen because it would have already been sold.]: rep

[so are you going to buy it?]: riku

[well certainly just give us 4 days to dismantle and prepare your money]: rep

[ok see you in 4 days]: riku

We go back to Reo's house and I ask Reo to prepare a room for Kaito. We decided to spend the next 4 days getting to know Reo and his Family. And I tell them a little about my journey that I partook of and what monsters I fought I also made it seem like I struggled with some of the monsters but came out on top. Even though it took one slash to kill them all some took more than one shot at first because Jintō was still a low level but now Jintō can one shot anything and another reason I made it sound like I struggled was to make it entertaining to the kids.

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