Chapter 34: New House & School

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-Jewelry Shop-

I am face to face with the Jeweler, and she had looked me in the eyes and without changing the look on her face he exclaimed once again I will buy it for 30 million.

[is this some kind of joke?]: riku

[no it isn't, will you accept this offer?]: clerk

[yes, I will accept this much]: riku

[then the deal is done, now I need to close down the shop for a few days so I can discuss how to handle this with the owner of the shop]: clerk

[ok, have a good day. Oh, also do you know where the closest retailer on houses is? We need a place to buy]: riku

[well, I do know a place but aren't you around 17? You need to be over 18 to buy a house]: clerk

[well, I am not 17 I just look young for my age, and so does my wife here]: riku

[then there is a place 3 blocks away from here, when you leave the store head left and 3 blocks down on your right across the street there should be a place]: clerk

[ok, thank you for the information]: riku

[no problem, have a nice day customer]: clerk

When we left the shop we head left just like the clerk said and as we start getting closer to our destination Sora asked something.

[dad what does 3 blocks mean?]: sora

[it is a term used to describe the one square group of buildings]: riku

[oh, ok]: sora

We get to the retail place and enter the door, once we walk in we are greeted with the clerk.

[oh my, are you guys perhapes lost?]: clerk

[no, we are here to buy a house]: riku

[you do know I can't sell a house to a minor right?]: clerk

[well I am not a minor I am actually 26 years old]: riku

[hmm, do you have ID to prove it?]: clerk

[yes I do]: riku

I reach into my pocket and magically make an ID that resembles this worlds identification cards and pull it out of my pocket for him to look over.

[hmm, yep, everything looks alright. You look really young for your age, has anyone ever told you that?]: clerk

[my dad was stopped by a cop earlier thinking he was a high-schooler because of his looks]: sora

[Sora!]: riku

[sorry dad]: sora

[so he's your son ehh? He looks just like you. Here are the places open for ownage and rental, what are you looking to get today]: clerk

[I need something close to a school for my son, and it has to be nice and big, about 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a living room kitchen and dining room please]: riku

[I think I have just the right place for you, look at this house, and you can buy it as well, so will you buy it?]: clerk

[yes, I will take it now and move in right away]: riku

[then sign right here and give me one of your money cards that has around 4 million on it]: clerk

{so that's how the money system has changed}: riku

I hand the clerk my 30 million card and he looks at it with a surprised stare and then scans the card, hands it back to me and gave us the keys with a have a nice day.


When we were walking through the downtown area we could see all the nice scenery around, there were no big buildings or any construction sites. It was all nice and small, like my old place of residence when I lived here the first time.

[dad look over there]: sora

When I look at the place Sora was pointing I can see a nice looking school, what came next was the kids leaving the school to head home.

[that seems to be the place you are going to go while we are here]: riku

[but I don't want to go though]: sora

[well you will need to go, if you don't, people like that officer from earlier today will come and try to take me away]: riku

[but, you could just kill them with your finger]: sora

[yes I could but. Well, for now just see what it is like, maybe you could make some friends there, and tomorrow I will take you up here with me to sign you up]: riku

After I got Sora off the idea of not wanting to go to school we continue heading to the house I just bought. Once we get there we open the main door and head inside, once inside I flip the light switch on. When that happened Kiko and Sora look around like they were spooked, Sora even siad

[dad, there is magic in this world]: sora

I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

[no son, this is just the progression of this world, it never held magic so instead is progressed through a thing called science, you will learn about it in school]: riku

[cool, I want to go to school now]: sora

And there is the want to go to school attitude all kids have when they hear something interesting.

[ok guys, take your shoes off here and leave them here every time you enter the house, once you are ready to leave the house for the day you put them on here]: riku

[ok dad]: sora

[yes my husband]: kiko

I performed some basic magic to make some furnishings. And with that the whole house is furnished and we sleep for the day. When I woke up the next morning I come out in the living room to see Sora and Kiko on the couch watching the T.V. that I made along with the other furnishings.

[Sora, it is time to go. I half to sign you up for school today]: riku

[ok, on my way dad]: sora

[Kiko, I will be out for a while today, I am going to get food and clothing for the house, after I come back I will bring you with me so you can pick your own clothing]: riku

[ok husband, don't hurry back, I will be fine here for a while]: kiko

Once I leave the house with Sora whe head to the school we seen yesterday, once we get there I walk into the school with Sora.

[dad, what will happen once you leave?]: sora

[don't worry buddy, I will come back once your school let's you guys out]: riku

[ok, I am ready to go in now]: sora

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