Chapter 19: Magic Academy & New Teacher

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-Castle Room-

The next morning I was awoken by a knock outside of my door, it was a maid of the castle assigned to me. She opened my door and walked into the room with cloth and a measuring string.

[good morning sir I am tasked to get you dress ware made and fitted so please let me measure you.]: maid

[there's no need I can make my own clothing]: riku

[oh but sir I was tasked to make your clothing.]: maid

I didn't want to argue with her so I look at the cloth and then snap my fingers.


Then the cloth had flew out of the maids hands and wrapped around me taking shape of something that resembles a noble's outfit. The maid was so stunned that even after the clothing was made and being worn by me she was still staring at me with her mouth dropped. The room is silent for a second until I interrupt the silence

[are we going now?]: riku

[... oh yes right away, your presence is requested in the throne room.]: maid

We head to the throne room and inside is Kaito, Kiko and the King.

[were you guys waiting for me?]: riku

[why yes we were, and so I hear the Kaito here is your father.]: king

So we are still going to play that card huh? Oh well I guess it won't hurt to keep it going.

[yes I am his son, why?]: riku

[oh it's nothing I just wanted to know more about my daughters saviors, and it looks like you are the same age as my daughter. And you look cute to, maybe that's why my daughter has taken a liking to you.]: king

[father! Why would you say something like that]: kiko

[oh-ho ho, it seems I have done something a father should have never done. I am sorry my dear daughter for embarrassing you]: king

[just don't do it again ok.]: kiko

[ok- now onto the main reason I called you here it seems that you are capable of using space magic, are you?]: king

[well yes I can, is that a problem]: riku

[oh no its not, I am just intrigued by you is all. Would you by chance like to attend the prestigious Magic Academy?]: king

[oh no I am a master in all magics so there is no need for schooling]: riku

[oh?... are you now? Will you be willing to show me some of your skill?]: king

[sure but can we move this outside?]: riku

[yes that would be the best way for you to demonstrate your power]: king

We move outside the king and princess are guarded by a battalion of guards. I guess that even though I was granted a noble title they are still a bit worried about me and Kaito. So let's get this started

[I will start now please watch carefully]: riku

I will display the best of my magic and do it chantlessly.


A big fire tornado appeared and is scroching the ground.


While the tornado is still going the water I just made is now putting it out. Now that the fire is out the ground is still burnt up so now to repair the ground.


The ground that was once black from the tornado is now full of flourishing grass. I wonder what they think about this.

[I am now done with me demonstration what do you think]: riku

[oh... oh... oh my 3 elements and all at mastery that's amazing and at such a young age will you please teach at the Magic Academy?]: king

Oh no, now I did it. I didn't want to go to that school at all let alone teach there.

[... sure I guess]: riku

What did I just agree too?

-Magic Academy-

As I walk through the giant doors of the Magic Academy I am greeted by a big group of students walking to class. I walk around the main corridor trying to find the dean's office but I had no luck so I look for a student who might know the way.

[um- excuse me do you happen to know where I can find the dean's office?]: riku

[oh- are you perhaps a new student?]: student

[um... no I am not a student I am just looking for the dean's office]: riku

[oh, well ok follow me and I can show you the way. By the way my name is Miko I am a second year here]: miko

We get to the dean's office and I thank Miko for showing me the way and I offer to buy her lunch some time. After Miko declined my offer I knock on the door of the dean's office and I get invited in.

[hello my name is Riku Akiyama I am being appointed as a new teacher of the Academy and was told to meet with the dean.]: riku

[yes please sit down would you Mr. Akiyama]: dean

I sit down on a sofa in the dean's office and listen to the school regulations, procedures and rules, after the explanation was made I signed a contract that basically states that if I were to share any school secrets to another country I would be in breach and no longer be able to teach anywhere. Either way I am fine with the contract because I don't plan on sharing info and if I were not allowed to teach anymore that's fine too.

After the verbal exchange I was introduced to a teachers formal wear and issued a school pin and textbooks to teach the kids. After I received my teaching supplies I was asked to show a teaching certificate to be allowed to work here, the king gave me one earlier so I have one with me, I hand it to the dean and he checks it out.

[ok everything looks fine, now if you would follow me to your new classroom and meet your new students.]: dean


[hey so you were moved too huh]: student 1

[yeah apparently there is a new teacher and he is a master in 3 elements]: student 2

[really? 3 elements and a master at that? He must be strong]: student 1

[can you shut up and let me sleep]: student 3

[hey slacker how are you going to sleep when there is a new teacher coming to this school, your going to make us look like children]: student 1

[yeah you just keep quiet]: student 2

[whatever just keep it down so I can sleep]: student]: student 3

:door starts to open:

[sush here he comes]: student 4

As the dean and myself walk into the classroom everyone looks at me and there faces that once had smiles on them turn to disappointment.

[oh never mind it's just another student]: student 4

[but look at his uniform, that's the uniform the teachers wear]: student 5

[student I would like to introduce your new teacher]: dean

[huh where?]: students 1,2,4,5

[Mr. Akiyama please introduce yourself to the students]: dean

[hi my name is Riku Akiyama I am going to be your new teacher]: riku

[ha?!?!?]: students 1,2,4,5

[huh?]: unknown

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