Chapter Five

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A/N: Hey everyone! So... I know I haven't updated in a while, but I have an excuse! School. We have a ton of assessments due this week, so I really haven't had the time (or energy) to update. I will try to limit how many times this sort of thing happens, but I really can't make any promises. I borrowed a line from the Bumblebee movie because I loved it so very much. If you can find it, kudos to you. Anyway, a little bit of self-promo here: I made a new story! It's called TFP: Book o' Laughs, and if you find the time, go check it out!

Enough dawdling, on with the chapter!


"I'll never tell you anything." Bumblebee choked out, optics fixated on Megatron. He was too weak to do anything but try his best to burn a hole through Megatron's helm. Not even his predacon strength could break him out of the warlord's vice grip in that moment. 

"Where it the Autobot base?" Megatron growled. When Bumblebee didn't reply, he slapped the young bot across the faceplate.

"I said, where is the Autobot base?"

"And I said, I'll never tell you." Bumblebee hissed, optics spiraling in fury. Megatron reared his servo back to slap him again, but paused.

"You know, there is something familiar about you," Megatron said, optics scanning over Bumblebee's limp frame.

Oh, no. If Megatron realized who he really was, Bumblebee would be fragged to the pit and back!

"You don't know me." Bumblebee snarled, before spitting at Megatron, nailing him right between the optics. He winced as the warlord's grip on his neck cables tightened. 

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

Megatron slowly lifted up his servo and wiped the spit off of his helm, disgust clear on his faceplate. He then began to laugh. Loudly. And not in the ha-ha-that's-funny kind of way, but the you-will-regret-that-for-the-rest-of-eternity kind of way.

"You have spirit, scout, I'll give you that. Too bad I will have to offline you."

Pulling one servo back, Megatron transformed it into a blade and stabbed Bumblebee through the gut. Bumblebee bit his tongue (A/N: what's the cybertronian version of a tongue?) to stop himself from screaming. He would not give Megatron that satisfaction. 

The warlord pulled his blade from where it was lodged in Bumblebee's frame and stabbed him again and again, each time more painful than the last.

Dropping Bumblebee to the ground, Megatron started to hit and kick him, forcing the scout to curl in on himself to protect his injured torso.

When he was finally finished, Megatron crouched and pulled a weak and heavily bleeding Bumblebee up by the neck cables, bringing him to optic level.

"Ready to talk now, scout?"

Bumblebee began to hack and cough, energon dribbling out of the corner of his mouth. When he finally stopped, Bumblebee slowly raised his optics to meet Megatron's. The amber in them was more prominent now, making the hardened Decepticon leader blink in surprise.

"I'll never talk."

Megatron growled and transformed his servo into a blade to offline Bumblebee once and for all, but abruptly stopped. A slow, sinister smile spread across his faceplate.

"You'll never talk, you said?" the warlord asked. Something told Bumblebee he would regret his choice of words. 

"Then let's make it official."


Now here Bumblebee lay,  voicebox crushed, hope gone, slowly dying in a pool of his own energon in the middle of a smoking battlefield. He should have offlined a long time ago. The only reason he was still functioning was because of his predacon CNA, but it was only prolonging his imminent offlining. 

He was so tired. All he wanted to do was close his optics and rest, but Bumblebee knew that if he did that, he might never wake up. And his life was far from over; in fact, it had barely even started! 

Offlining was not his greatest fear. That is not to say Bumblebee didn't fear it --he did-- but it wasn't what he feared most. No, what he feared most was that he would never get to fulfill Lightspark's wish— take down the Decepticons. Get the chance to rid Cybertron of the corruption and evil that had started this war in the first place. If he couldn't do anything else, that was the one thing Bumblebee wanted. 

He wanted to prove that dying for him was worth it, and that Lightspark's death was not in vain.

Bumblebee wanted to make her proud.

The sound of pedesteps drew him out of his sluggish daze. They were a fair distance away, but they were somebot. And he wasn't about to throw away this gift from Primus. 

Bumblebee opened his mouth to call them over, but all that came out was a burst of static. He tried again, but the same thing happened. He could feel himself slipping toward emergency stasis lock, and he clenched his servo.

No, not now, just a little longer...! he thought, desperately trying to keep himself awake. Gathering all his strength, he reached out and grabbed a small chunk of metal near his servo (he refused to think about where that chunk was from). He threw it at a nearby metal panel, making a loud clanging sound. Bumblebee heard the pedsteps stop.

Then they began again, faster, toward Bumblebee. He hoped it was an Autobot, and not... the alternative. 

Abruptly, the steps stopped, and Bumblebee heard a loud intake. 

"Bee?" Cliffjumper asked, optics wide with shock. 

"Oh Primus, no, what have they done to you?" he asked, rushing forwards. Bumblebee couldn't stay awake much longer. He smiled weakly up at the panicked bot, and let out a soft sigh, optics flickering offline.

The last thing he knew before slipping into stasis was the gentle shaking of his shoulder plates, and Cliffjumper's frantic calls for a medic.

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