Louna(Louie x Lena)

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One of the worst emotions that he never got along with was vulnerability. He wasn't good when it came to crying in front of others, or talking it out with someone when he felt truly messed with and hurt. He'd fight with that emotion constantly, losing repeatedly in the end. He could only bottle up so much until the bottle breaks, or overflows. The only few people he was comfortable enough to be vulnerable around was his brothers and his Uncle Donald. He had a reputation to keep after all, he didn't need emotions like vulnerability getting in his way. His emotions for his mom were complex enough, but when love and vulnerability team up...it wasn't a pretty battle. Thankfully, it never really came together that often for him to have to worry about it everyday. It was rare...hint...was.

Sadly...after a while, not rare enough. His emotions were everywhere, and he couldn't figure out why they were going haywire all of a sudden. He tried pinpointing reasons, but always came to a dead end. One of those reasons he rather not explore just yet until he was sure. Webby would nag him that something was probably eating him from the inside out and soon will take revenge on the planet...yea, Webby's never changed over the years. She's still the same old Webby he grew to know and love like a sister.

Chuckling lightly, this seemed to catch his brother's attention, stopping him mid ramble. The paper crumbling in a bit as Louie noticed Huey's sweaty grip tighten around it.

"W-what so funny?" Is there something wrong with my speech?" The boy blinked, flickering his eyes nervously around the room; biting down on his knuckles as he chuckled nervously. "Should I rewrite it?!" He scanned his crumbled paper, eyes shaking between lines as he answered back to his thoughts, "You may be right! It's probably terrible; I don't deserve to be in the Senior Woodchucks if I can't even write a-"

Twitching under the others glares, Webby, Dewey, Lena, and Violet. Wincing, he  scrambled to his feet to hesitantly place a comforting hand to the anxiety filled brother of his. He gave Huey a slight squeeze on the shoulder to bring him back from crazy town, frowning as his brother slightly jumped.

"Huey! Nothings wrong with your dumb speech," he cringed at his wording,"Wow, way to stick it to em', Louie!" He shook his head, forcing his casual smile, with a hint of worry, "...I was just laughing at something else entirely unrelated." Maybe he shouldn't of been the one to calm Huey down, cause this only tended to make his eyes pop out of his head more. "Great going, Louie." He could hear the others face palming behind him, he didn't blame em', he would've been doing the same thing.

"Then that means my speech was boring, Louie!" Huey's voice shook, eyes in full panic mode. "If you were laughing about something else that was unrelated to this, then- I...I gotta go rewrite this before tomorrow arrives!" Shuddering, Huey pushed passed Louie, muttering to himself as he tapped his pencil anxiously against his pale cheek, zooming out of there in a hurry.

Turning around, Louie gave a sheepish grin down at the glaring combo. "What?" He raised his hands in front of him defensively as their stares bore through him with a knowing frown. Throwing his arms in the air with defeat, he complained, "Fine, but It's not my fault that I tend to tune you guys out when one of you talks!" They gave him a deadpanned look, "Hey! Don't give me that look, you're all just as guilty!" He pointed, squinting his eyes.

Half adverted their eyes as the purple colored bird cleared her throat, dusting herself off as she she stood up. She clutched a book close to her chest, standing straight as she looked to Louie's direction. She was always so sophisticated, even more then Huey.

Ducktales 2017 One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon