He was looking at me like he was unsure about my state of mind.

"That's good to know." Was all I said in response.

I couldn't speak the thoughts that were actually going around my head. I didn't want to scare my parents, my mum already looked like she was planning to run away with me.

"If we are done here, I would like some breakfast and then I need to find a Trokarra that will send my message." Kayle announced.

I watched him blush slightly when Alacor enquired about who the message was for and scramble to make something up. Everyone settled in to eat breakfast but the previous conversation had left a grim atmosphere over the room. Kayle was trying to lighten things up with a few jokes. He and Emy inevitably got into an argument, which did manage to bring everyone out of their moods and into the dispute.

"I want to spend the day with you," I said quietly across the table to my mum, after a sudden thought occurred to me. 

She turned to look at me, her eyes were still red and blotchy but the smile she had made her look so happy.

"I would like that very much, we have not managed to do that in such a long time, at least not when you have been healthy."

I smiled despite the painful memory, "I don't know what we can find to do but I don't care as long as it's together."

With training cancelled I would have most likely hung out with Emy or Blaike, or the whole group, but I knew they'd understand. I heard Emy making plans with her parents once she had finished arguing with Kayle, who had disappeared, probably to send his letter.

My mum listed a few things we could do around the house. If there was nothing else, just sitting in a room and talking would be enough for me. I hated the idea of her fretting the whole day when I was still here, and I didn't want to be doing the exact same thing. We finished eating and everyone went their separate ways, I linked my arm in my mum's and we went for a walk.

"What about showing me what you do through the day?" I asked as we walked through the hallway.

She laughed, "It might be a little boring to you. I help to maintain this house and deal with any problems Mal may have while keeping everyone in line. I also see to the wellbeing and care of the rest of Dumair."

My eyes widened, "That sounds like a lot of work. You do that everyday?"

I thought my mum was like a housewife, but she was basically the manager of a whole village.

When I pointed this out to her, she laughed and nodded. "I suppose that is one way of putting it, yes. Everyday I manage this village and make sure it is running the way it should be. Your dad keeps us safe and makes sure we are well supplied and able to trade with other villages."

I was slightly annoyed with myself that I hadn't asked about them and their roles sooner. Despite the trouble and dangers we had endured already, they should have been one of my top priorities. We talked about everyone in the house and their roles, some minor and some major. Colensa helped my mum with her jobs as well as teaching and settling minor disputes that occurred in the village.

I had wondered what the legal system was like here, but with Dark Menaces and Scavengers running around, I supposed they didn't have the inclination to get in much trouble themselves. Alacor was mostly a teacher and soldier, he had trained in the Eastern Sector for a while when he was younger but I got the feeling there was more to it than that.

I helped mum with a few odd jobs around the house while we talked; it was nice just to pass the time with her like we used to back in our old lives. About halfway through the day I began to smell amazing aromas wafting through the house, the cook had made a start on the feast and by the smells it was going to be incredible.

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