But it had to be done.

Hope's POV

I shrink into my black jacket, trying to keep warm against the cold air. I focus on the soft crunch under my boots as I step on the light snow that has frozen over the pavement.

I look over to my cousin beside me, who seems unfazed.

"Remind me why I let you drag me to that horrible movie again," I whine for the umpteenth time.

"Because it's the best movie you've ever seen!" She says exasperated. "You just have horrible tastes."

I roll my eyes at her. "I can say the same about you." I squeeze my jacket tighter in a failing attempt to keep myself warm. "It's too cold. Let's take a shortcut."

We cut through a dark and dirty alley. A group of guys are huddled on the other end, sitting on an apartment stairs.

One of them walk towards us as we pass them. "Hey where you out to? Come chill with us." He licks his lips as he regards Isabelle. The stench of weed quickly fills the night and I wince.

She glares at him. "No thanks."

"Come on. It's all good, Ma." He's grinning at her despite the rejection. He grabs her arms and she tries to pull back. When that fails, she kicks him in the groin.

"Fuck!" He doubles over in pain. His friends join him at his side and we start to run.

My feet halts as I feel it lift slightly into the air. Someone has grabbed us by the back of our jackets. "Where you think you going, huh? You better come with us if you know what's good for you!"

"Fuck off!" Isabelle yells while I keep my mouth shut. I am too frightened and my heart is hammering against my chest. I can't think. I can't speak.

He threatens her before she stomps on his feet and tells him to go to hell. "I'd rather die."

He snarls. "Oh yeah? You sure about that?" A gun appears in his hand. I don't know how it got there. I don't know anything right now. I'm shaking and unable to move. A loud and unkeen sound rings in my ears.

His friend yells something at him before he yells back. The ringing in my ear prevents me from hearing anything. What is going on? And why is it so hot?

A second or a minute pass before a loud popping sound breaks through the noise in my head.

The next thing I know I am on the ground, gasping for air. My chest hurts. Why does it hurt? Why is it so hot? What the hell is going on? Isabelle hovers in front of me, staring at me blankly.

Help me! I try to yell at her but nothing comes out. What the hell?

A dark figure comes to stand above me, blocking my view of my cousin. He lifts his hoodie and the streetlight illuminates a handsome guy with hazel eyes, speckled with green.

He smiles at me. "Hope."

My chest eases and I can finally breathe again. "Damien?" I return the smile.

"Take my hand." He says, a grin still plastered on his face. I nod and reach for him. At the same time, he reaches in his pocket and I'm face to face with a black object, the small ominous hole at the front glaring at me. At my head.

A gun.

He pulls the trigger.


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