But, it is not.

I say that dying after you have fought all your might is a worthy-death, because at least you know you have done your best to live. While, dying by an easy death of suicide is not, because again, your soul will forever be devastated for being weak, for giving up life for temporary ease.

"...because you are special. Always remember that."

I closed my eyes tight and swallowed that bile on my throat. It was as if I can still hear her soothing voice as she slowly brush her fingers down my long black hair gently.


I wanted to puke upon remembering that. Makes me want to punch this wooden table until I get satisfied with its ruin and be numb again.

Maybe that's really is.

One of the things I have learned in life is that, living is a battlefield. It is a game of survival. One needs to swallow all the bad things and embrace the goodness of the lessons that those challenges taught you and survive. Lucky for those who have brave souls if they did. And I pitty those who did not.

Some days, I thought that maybe it was just me. It was only me that was miserable. Just me who hated life for playing a very unjust game on a dark battlefield. But then, everytime I look at my "friends", thinking about all the things now, I realize that life just simply sucks. No biases. No restrain to any of whom. It just sucks. Period. No excuse or anything else.

"Good evening, prepare 1/8 paper. Lets do a quick oral recit on the recent Constitutions we talked about." the fucking instructor immediately said as he entered our room with almost all his things with him. For real?!

I gritted my teeth as I look at Perse and Damon on the side as I heared the silent groans and protest of the other students. Perse was staring daggers at Mr.Fabular as she mercilessly but silently ripped the paper she took on her other seatmate, while Damon was confidently smiling from ear-to-ear as he held his 1/8 paper on hand and the other was playing his parker pen.

Wanting to roll my eyes at his conceitedness, I can almost hear him humming his favorite song to joy.

Fucking asshole. I knew he was good with memorizing the Provisions and Constitutions and other shits thats why he was so confident on this one. Made me have the urge to punch his smile out of that fucking mouth!

Well, damn him and Mr. Fabular for this!

"Okey, Arancon. Stand up." and hell rise upon waiting for my fucking surname to be called.

"Roselle, stand up. What do you mean by the..." and heaven rejoices when I somehow answered it confidently and even the follow-up questions. Just not sure if this old man got satisfied with my answers though.


He better be.

"Read and familiarize the 1935 Constitution and everything about Globalization." we all look at him as he paused and said, "And I mean Everything."

1935 Constitution, fine then.

"Dismissed." he adjourned as everyone stood up along with him.

Finally, get lost, you walking-headache!

"Hi, Airess!" a girl seating ahead of me suddenly look back and greeted me as she was smiling from ear-to-ear. I stop and just move my eye to see her irritating face. She was wearing that friendly-aura around her with that chinky eyes, pointy-nose and a rosy cheeks.

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