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For the umpteenth time, I adjusted the turtle neck that I wore while unlocking my phone. I needed to send a quick email before leaving. A knock sounding on the door distracted me however, as my focus shifted to the person I invited in my office. I was currently at my Father's tech company.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Winter-King," Josh, my PA that also happened to be my father's PA when he was alive, greeted.

I smiled, "Good afternoon, Josh."

"Um...a few photos of you and your husband have been leaked to TMZ and multiple gossip shows and blogs," Joshua shyly informed, causing my eyes to widen. "I've already received five calls for you asking about the pictures. I thought you'd want to know."

"Show me the pictures," I instructed while walking to him. He pulled out his phone and opened the TMZ webpage. The article, which was already trending, was titled As Virgin As an Alcoholic Beverage With Extra Shots! I rolled my eyes at the title and scrolled down to the pictures and noticed that they were of me straddling Dominic, Dominic kissing and sucking on my neck, and me grabbing Dominic's jacket. There was also a video of me grinding on Dominic, and I could feel my cheeks heating up, but I was also pissed that someone videotaped Dominic and me. "Thank you," I said while grabbing my purse and car keys. I then began dialing Dominic.

After one ring, Dominic answered, "My PA just showed me the video and pics. I'm going to kill Jonah!"

I frowned, "How do you know it was him?"

"The angle the photos were taken from. It had to be him, and if it wasn't, it was one of the girls that were with him," Dominic answered. "Get home now before the paparazzis start pulling up to the company. I'll meet you home."

I nodded, "Okay, but do you really think they'll invest their time in trying to find out the tea in my nonexistent sex life?"

"Paparazzi has time for everything," Dominic chuckled, and I heard shuffling from his end of the line.

I then remembered the girl that I barked at when she tried to dance on Dominic. I remembered that she originally came from the left side of the room and had went over to David for a while before going back to Jonah.

"Dom, I think I know who took the vid and pics," I informed as a I got into the elevator.

As Dominic questioned, "Who?" I could picture the frown on his face.

I answered, "That girl I yelled at that tried to dance on you."

Dominic asked, "Didn't she go by David after?"

"Yeah, but she went back to Jonah and was originally with Jonah," I informed. The elevator opened, and I quickly walked to the parking lot to get into my car, which was previously Autumn's. Dominic and I had changed the interior and exterior designs to fit my preference. It was a bit painful seeing things that reminded me of Autumn, so I tried to change as much things as possible. The house was the only thing that I left exactly the same. I hadn't even been there since I moved in with Dominic. "She was watching you all night long."

I unlocked my car and got in. I then connected my phone to the Bluetooth in my car and drove off.

"Speaking of, I've been noticing a recent jealousy in you when I'm around other women," Dominic brought up, and I could see the smirk playing on his face. I also heard an engine starting in his background, so I assumed that he was in his car.

While blushing, I flipped the statement by saying, "I've noticed jealousy in you when I'm around other guys. I didn't even know that I was yours."

"I mean, if you're gonna get that turned on by me in public, dance and kiss on me like you did, and straddle me in my bed, then you might as well be mine," he teased, and I was glad that he couldn't see me because my cheeks were burning up.

"You were kissing me too," I defended. "Let's not forget that you grabbed my butt and throat and was hard. Besides, I was drunk and high, so I didn't even know what I was doing."

Dominic chuckled before defending, "I asked to dance, and you decided to grind on me to a sex song so whatever I did after was part of your fault. Secondly, we were both high and drunk, but I'm pretty sure it was your inner self acting out your desires. You could have gotten kinky with just about anyone in the room, yet you chose me."

"Kinky?!" I smiled. "I was not trying to get kinky. I would never do what I did at that party in public. In fact, that was the first time I ever danced on someone, and it was also the first time I got drunk and the first time I got high. I'm sure you can't say the same."

Dominic chuckled, "That's true, but I've never had pictures of me taken and posted due to a jealous girlfriend."

I paused for a moment before slightly smiling during my frown. I teased, "Girlfriend?"

"Emotionally detached wife," he corrected.

I chuckled, "I am not emotionally detached. Our relationship is supposed to be, however." Dominic hummed in response, causing me to chuckle. "Are we still training when we get back to your place?"

"Why'd you say it like that. We technically live together," Dominic said, and I could once again imagine a frown on his face.

I pointed out, "Yet it's still technically your place."

"Okay, but you could have said home," he argued. "Anyways, yeah, we are, and I think I see you about two cars behind me. I'm about to turn into the private lane."

I looked for his car and spotted his driver's license as he turned into the private lane. I then turned into that lane as well.

"I guess," I sighed. "Did you eat lunch as yet?"

"Yup," he answered. "Did you?"

I nodded, "Yeah," even though he couldn't actually see me nodding.

He then asked, "How was your day?"

"Between having to hide the hickeys you gave me and finding out that photos and a video of us got leaked, I honestly don't know which made my day bad. Actually, the hickeys made it bad because I was paranoid that my employees would see it, but then when the video and pics got released, my day became worse because I basically went through the trouble of hiding my hickeys only for something worse to be seen," I complained. "How was your day?"

He chuckled, "Not as bad. I unfortunately didn't have any hickeys to hide."

While rolling my eyes and putting on a monotone voice, I replied, "Ha. Very funny." That, of course, caused him to laugh even more. We then parked inside his garage, and I grabbed my purse and phone before hopping out my car.

"C'mon, cheer up," he smiled, but I only rolled my eyes and pushed pass him as I unlocked the door with the spare keys he gave me. "Okay, keep that energy for training."

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