Sinewave Londinium (Steampunk Automaton) (steampunk/fantasy RP OC)

Start from the beginning

Appearance: (see drawing below, though the drawing isn't that great) humanoid shape, made of a dark-gold coloured metal. Her eyes have gold sclera and (alchemically-crafted peridot) green irises, with dark silver pupils. She has a wheel which sticks out of her back (below her left shoulder); this rotates when she is generating electricity. She does not have hair, since she's an automaton; where one's hair would be (on the head), one can see intricate clockwork mechanisms, and in the front of her head, an old-fashioned lightbulb which constantly shines (though it flickers if she's annoyed or not feeling a hundred percent, "emotionally" or mechanically). This is all protected by a transparent bulletproof materiel (alchemically created). She stands at around 180cm tall. There is a clockface built into the back of her wrist.

Miscellaneous attributes: She speaks with a southern English accent; her voice is clear and only very slightly metallic

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Miscellaneous attributes: She speaks with a southern English accent; her voice is clear and only very slightly metallic.
She is warm to the touch due to the electricity running through her (the only part which would not be warm is the wheel on her back)
One can hear the ticking of her clockwork heart (which is located lower down then it would be in s human due to her unusual internal structure), as well as the sounds of her various other mechanisms, if you get close enough, though it is not particularly loud.
She needs to recharge herself approximately every seven hours; this assumes "normal" activity however as exerting herself or using her electricity will obviously drain her charge more.

Clothes: she wears a long-sleeved white shirt with a collar, a long sleeveless black button-up jacket with gold trim and a gold sinewave pattern around the middle of the torso, white pants and black boots with gold buckles. She wears the key to her clockwork heart on a thin silver chain around her neck.

Personality: strong sense of duty and is very patriotic towards London/England (or whatever city/country the roleplay is set in), always up for discussion and debate (though stubborn and argumentative to a fault at times), a proud individual as a result of the aforementioned traits (and because of her history). Logical and practical, but also philosophical and contemplative. A bit unsure of her abilities (post-modification).  Can struggle to understand some emotions sometimes and gets annoyed when others can't seem to observe hers due to her being an automaton. Can be a bit of a perfectionist or a "control freak" at times especially when performing some task which involves the natural skills that she has always had, some task which she knows she is likely the most qualified individual to perform (in the immediate vicinity) or that is the kind of task which her mind was practically built for. She is also somewhat obsessed with efficiency, in all things (as efficiency was the whole reason why she was built). She has extremely high standards with regards to efficiency which apply to herself and those around her. She has very little tolerance for blatant inefficiency and will have a hard time respecting a person who makes no effort to be efficient in the things they do when they clearly possess the means and knowledge to act in a more efficient manner. She does understand that humans are prone to certain mistakes or lapses in judgment which machines are not, and she will generally forgive them. However, this only applies to genuine mistakes or accidents. If someone willingly does something mean, bad, selfish or otherwise problematic, and she is not satisfied that they are genuinely remorseful, she will have a VERY hard time forgiving it, even if it is that person's first "transgression"; this is because in doing so, this person has shown that they are perfectly willing to knowingly go against the "greater good", which goes against her fundamental principles and motivations. On a similar note, Sinewave can also struggle to forgive her own mistakes, genuine and understandable as they are, and will dwell on alternative paths she could have taken (which in reality may not have been possible or have ended up preventing the mistake anyway) and ways to prevent the mistake in future.

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