Yellow Ruins ; new beginnings

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{chapter 4; Yellow Ruins ; new beginnings}

To escape the terrible thoughts that lingered in his brain, Awsten decided to take a walk to the park down the road, even though it was almost 9 PM. Sitting on one of the many sets of swings, he thought of how he would've loved this park when he was younger. Its vast amount of play equipment and green grass that expanded for about five hundred meters just urged to be played on, but he knew he would create himself a bad figure if he did so.      
      Instead, he watched a young girl, who couldn't be older than five, roll around in the daisy-filled field. He admitted that it must seem creepy, but she radiated so much joy that he couldn't help but smile at the girl.

A group of kids made their way towards her, and she backed down, her face filled with terror. Bullies. There was at least one person in your life who strived to make it harder for you - in Awsten's case it was Ciara, - in the girl's, it seemed to be the group of kids who were now threatening to ruin her bike which they had retrieved from the sidewalk.

Awsten found himself running toward the area where they were and telling the kids to back off. It took a couple of tries, as they started teasing him for his colourful hair. They eventually retreated, leaving the little brunette girl in tears.

"hey," Awsten asked softly, "what's your name"

"D-delfi" she sniffled, looking up at the taller man, "what's yours" she questioned with a slight lisp, which Awsten chuckled at.

"I'm Awsten" he replied, "spelt with a 'w'"

"Hello Awsten with a 'w'" she smiled, yellow illuminating her face, "can you help me find my sister?" she asked adorably

"Well - what does she look like"

"There she is!" Delfi exclaimed, running into the embrace of a girl who looked to be in her early twenties. Awsten trailed behind her, unsure of what to do.

Delfi, who was eager for her new lilac-haired friend and her super-cool older sister to meet, made sure that within the first minute of their conversation her sister knew who Awsten was and vice-versa.

At first Awsten was taken aback by how alike to two looked, but it was kinda obvious - they were sisters after all. Standing awkwardly Awsten muttered a hello to Delfi's sister, he was never good around the female gender and even though he had hardly talked to her, he had gained a particular liking towards her. He figured it must've been in the family, as even Delfi had a similar energy.

The girl, who had introduced herself as Kailyn was about 5"8 and radiated some sort of feel-good energy of which our lilac friend was cautious of - he'd seen it all before. Apart from the overly paranoid part of his brain, which was something he wished he could shut up, the rest of him absorbed that feel-good energy, making him grin for no reason at all.


After a good hour of hanging with his new friends, Awsten excused himself - with a genuine excuse this time - and headed home with the sun slightly going down creating a majestic sort of light.

The weather always knew how to act, it's telepathic-like changes usually creeped him out a little but this time he had a girl on his mind and it was occuping his usually sad brain. Something was happening but it was the first time in a while he had felt this way, so he let it go.


I guess I'm back?? comment of I should continue cause idk

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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