Feeling Blue

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{chapter 1; Feeling Blue}

The days bled into one and other while Awsten sat in his room, wanting to be left alone. He hadn't seen the sun in days, its yellow glow served as a reminder of what she had left behind, and the mess that she had once called her boyfriend.

As clever as Awsten was with words, he did sometimes lack in common sense, but who could blame the boy after what he had been through?

He had stupidly left his spare house keys with Geoff, his bandmate, and one of the few people he confided in, alongside Otto, of course.

Geoff knew about his friend's sudden mood change, and it only took two phone calls to figure out the cause of his funk. He decided to give his lilac-haired friend some space, only calling him about music-related issues, or at least he tried to call. After 13 missed calls and several messages not replied to in the span of a week, he decided to take a trip to his best friend's house. He knew better than to expect Awsten to answer the door, as he hated when people saw the emotional side of him, so he dug the spare key he had received when Awsten moved in out of his pocket and pushed the key through the lock, expecting to see his best friend on the orange couch, watching The Office to cheer him up.

Geoff sighed when he didn't find the boy on his couch, wandering to his room, where the wooden door was locked and angry music blasting from its confines. The song slowly changed to one of the demo tracks off of their album, Entertainment, which was yet to be released. He knew that most songs were about her, and he also was conscious of the fact that Awsten was bound to break down as soon as he heard the opening chords to Lucky People, a song he wrote while madly in love with a girl that was destined to ruin his career if he didn't get back on track and record the finishing touches to their new material.

Geoff knocked on the door, hoping for an answer. Of course, he didn't get a reply, so he knocked harder while yelling Awsten's name. He heard a annoyed mumble and footsteps from the inside of the room, before the door was opened, showcasing Awsten's messy room - which, mind you, was usually clean - and an even worse looking Awsten.

The bags under his eyes had gotten considerably worse since the last time they had spoken, and his hair - as short as it was - was starting to resemble a bird's nest. Geoff sighed at the sight, making the once charismatic boy roll his eyes.

"I know I'm a mess, but I'll be back and at it in the studio in a week tops" he stated, ready to close the door in Geoff's face.

"Dude, we all know that's a lie. She fucked you up man, we can't deny it, but you've gotta push through it at some point, you can't just keep the fans waiting." Geoff warned, leaning against the doorframe.

"If you can't respect the time it takes to heal a broken heart, then you live in a fake world. Hell, you wouldn't even know heartache, since you've got the picture-perfect stereotypical family that everyone wants. We can't all strive for the best, G, some of us are meant for failure." He managed to choke out, hating how pathetic he sounded.

To his surprise, Geoff didn't even turn towards the door and leave, he stayed put before saying in a collected voice, "go for a walk, clear your mind. I know you don't mean the things you're saying, you've just got to embrace the circumstances and learn from your mistakes."

"Thank you" mumbled Awsten, a grim smile on his face. He was lucky that Geoff had a heart made of gold and saw the best in everyone.

Geoff just simply grinned, patting his friend on the back. "You can count on me" he said, watching as the purple-haired boy attempted to freshen up, grabbing a hoodie that wasn't strewn on the floor "I'm going to the supermarket and maybe the mall" he stated, "do you need anything"

"I'm fine. Let loose for a bit, okay Aws?" He smiled in accomplishment as Awsten made his way to the door, looking ghostly, but a touch brighter than before.

"You can chill here if you want, I don't really care" he said, halfway out the door.

"I'll go. I've got to meet up with Otto and some other important dude, according to him"

"Sounds fun. I won't stay long." 'Of course l won't. We used to hang out there all the time' he thought, but plastered a smile over his face. "Toodles" and with that, the sad boy continued to mask his sadness with countless fake smiles, humming a tune to himself.

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