Khushi looked at Dadi then those pictures of boys. Aman was really tensed not knowing how to handle it. What if Dadi gets angry with Nitya for her childishness?? He gave an angry look to Nitya to which her eyes started getting moisten. She had no idea this situation would turn out like this. She had successfully ruined her first impression before Aman's granny. This was never going to be easy for her to deal in future. 

 Khushi noticed Aman and Nitya's silence talk and she knew she had the responsibility to handle it, unless that would create hurdle for her friends..

Getting up from her place, Khushi sat beside Dadi..

"I understand your concern Dadi and I'm glad you do care.. But I guess marriage and love should happen only once n life. I might sound stereotype but I truly believe in it.. And in my case fortunately or unfortunately both of these are happened.. I'm married and..  much more than just happy with it and we both do like each other a lot.."

Dadi's eyes travelled back to Nitya..

"Then did Nitya lie to me??"

"Actually Dadi, it was my fault!! She never wanted to lie nor she had any of such intention. I was actually teasing her a lot because you all were coming to meet her. And she was annoyed with me that's why she said it to annoy me. But she had no intention to hurt you Dadi.. I am so sorry.""

Saying so Khushi looked back at Nitya. A tear drop fell from Nitya's eyes, she silently stood up.

Kneeling in front of Dadi, Nitya held her hands...

"I'm so sorry Dadi.."

"Kisiki Shadi Ya Zindegi Majak Nehi Hai Nitya.. Hume Aap Se Ye Ummid Nehi Thi."

(Neither anyone's  life nor marriage is a topic to joke, I did not expect this from you Nitya.)

Saying nothing further she left. Nitya felt miserable, her eyes casted down. Khushi squeezed her hand..


"I hurt her.."

Khushi looked back at Aman indicating him to assure Nitya as she seem really nervous. Nodding his head, Aman got up and embraced Nitya..

"Don't worry.. I'll talk to her.."

"I spoiled my image in front of her from the very beginning.. Will she trust me again??"

"Calm down Nitya.. Let me handle everything now.."


It's been few days. Though Dadi was still upset but she was trying to forget it. Nitya's family and Aman's family decided to fix date for their engagement soon and within one month the marriage.


"Are you both nuts?? Khushi told me you have planned to postpone your engagement and wedding?? That's going to be the worst decision Aman.."

"Did you just forget how you had ordered me to do things on your wedding.. I was practically your slave for that day.."

"Shut up Aman.. Nitya?? Why are you silence?? Make him understand, you guys will repent.."

"Arnav, Aman is right. You can't miss our wedding. It's ok, we will shift the date for next few months.. What's a big deal??"

"It is a big deal Nitya and you will not understand it now.."

Arnav, Khushi, Aman and Nitya were connected through conference call. After coming to know from Nitya that she and Aman were planning to postpone their wedding because Arnav was not there, Khushi felt sad for them!! It was clear how excited both were for their marriage and she did not want them to change the date.

The person whom you love the most, the person with whom you wanted to spend each moment in your life together.. staying away from the very same individual is like the worst punishment!! Staying away from family is never easy. Khushi understands it, and she understands that loneliness she feels even after having so many people around, she understand her heart's longing for Arnav, she understands how terrible it feels when she wakes up everyday not finding him beside her..

And she did not wish her friends to undergo same.. She wanted to save them from that torture that they were planning by shifting the date. They can get married easily at the earliest date.

"Aman, Nitya.. Just don't postpone the date, nor for anyone.. It's your day, you should celebrate it..", Arnav again spoke trying to put something in their brain.

"Uff.. Khushi?? Why the hell are you silence??", Aman shrieked up.

"Because Arnav s right Aman.. Don't change the wedding date..", Khushi replied calmly. 

"Will you just stop supporting him always??"

"She is not supporting me Aman.. She is trying to tell you what you don't understand.. Trust me guys, it feels terrible staying away from someone with whom you have planned to spend each day of life.. Your thought juts gets complicated after each passing day. "

"We understand Arnav.. We understand you both want us happy. But I know if you will not be here during our wedding Aman is never going to be happy. And if you are not going to be here, Khushi will not be happy.. And if they both will not be, for me my wedding will be nothing but a tension. And I want to save my wedding.. That's why..", Nitya added trying to make Khushi and Arnav their points. Khushi and Arnav might be right, but they were not wrong as well?? Is it wrong to expect your best friend at your D-Day??

"Did you hear her Arnav?? Nitya is right.. Our wedding will happen after a few months.. It's just a matter some extra days...", Aman continued.

"And you will regret.", Khushi shook her head.

"We will not Khushi..", Aman was adamant on his decision. 

"Fine.. Don't fight now guys.. (Arnav stopped Aman and Khushi..) And Aman, if not wedding then at least let engagement happen the date as decided.. Think of your family, their sentiment is attached also.. You can't just Say No because of us, they do have some expectation from your wedding as well."

Arnav added as he remembered how his one step months back brought dark cloud in his family, not only hurting him and Khushi but also making their parents suffer the most.  When a boy or a girl decides to get married, before that their parents start dreaming this day!! And when the dream gets broken, the damage impacts severe on parents. Arnav wanted to save Aman from this.

"But Arnav.."

"No Aman.. I agreed to your one condition, then it is your turn. Let the engagement happen on  the date as decided.."

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now