Phana eyebrow twitch. "Nothing, I'm just busy look." Phana pointed to files at his front.

"P'Pha, thats the only reason?" Wayo asked.

"Yes, whats will be the other reason?"

"Well, I was wondering.. If I did something that make you mad or sulk, so thats why you don't want to go home." Wayo play his fingers.

"Why do you think something like that?" Phana continued to his work.

Wayo frowned and he felt that he was completely ignored. "Hey Pha! Are you really sulking?" Phana startled and stared at him. "Pha I'm telling you, you're too old to sulk, it's not suitable to your age!"

Phana not sulking for anything. He just have a reason.. But calling a old man make him eyebrow knitted. "Too old?".

"Why? Whats wrong with that you really old now." Wayo 32 now and Phana 38, he still young to called too old.

"Look here, am I look old to you?" Phana pointed to his face.

"Well, a bit." Wayo smirked, messing with his husband is good. Phana sighed deeply and continued to his work and ignored him. Wayo puffed his cheeks. He walked towards Phana and snatched the paper and put it back to the table. "Hey! Why you keep ignoring me!"

Phana was surprised that Wayo puffed his cheeks like a child. Phana smirked and fixed his sitting position. "Do you know why I did go home?"

"No.. Why?" Wayo puzzled. Phana smirked and pulled him closer. His both palms parted at Wayo's buttocks. Wayo startled and blushed hardly. "What are you doing!"

Phana lips curves. "Because, if I stayed home for too long and not make myself busy, you will get soon a baby to your belly again." Phana face become closer to Wayo's chest. He smelled him, continuedly.

Wayo face was so red. "Is that so? Or you just afraid that if I get pregnant again, you cannot do it again often?" Wayo teasingly said.

Phana was indeed think of that, because when they do it, Wayo will easily get pregnant like he have 99.9% chance to get pregnat every time they do it. If that happen, Phana  need to wait for 11-12 month to able to do it again with him. Phana restraint himself to devour Wayo.

Wayo saw his face, he then move more closer to Phana, he sat at his thigh, his hands move to Phana face and cupped it. "Pha, it's okay."

Phana saw Wayo red face, it was really seductive look. His lips never change a bit even when he old like this, his face still white and looks young. Phana uncontrollably move his face forward to kiss him. They're lips touched together, Phana bit his bottom lip before he enter his tongue to him.

After a long passionate kiss, Wayo catch his breath. Wayo lean over his forehead to Phana's forehead and said with very seductive voice. "Pha, please go home later. I'll miss you already."

Phana startled. "I promise, I'll make up to you later. Sorry to make you worried okay?"

Wayo nodded. He was about to get up when Phana grabbed his back neck to kiss him again.

To be continue.

To be continue

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