Chapter 9

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Author's POV.

The angle of the camera was moving at the hallway of unknown place, but you can see in this place was full of persons who committed crimes in human world and to God.

At the unknown room of prisons, the beautiful and young lady, laying on the comfortable bed, he had two more inmates, their looks was not good, and you can tell the sinner that they commit. This cell was full of high profile inmate's, the cases that they commit was against in human rights violations, especially this girl, she committed a multiple murder and Arson crime, she defend herself that she didn't know that there's a peoples who's sleeping that time when they started the fire, but the government, did not agree for her reason and punish her for 20years in prison. For Arson crime and multiple murder.

Remembering her past, she was quite pissed off, and groaned. "Grrr! I want to get out here now, I will kill someone when I got out here!" she groaned loudly.

"Boss, what you're going to do? You're still here and need to finish your 15 more years." The Fatty one said.

She glared at her, and the intent killing chills to her body. "Boss was powerful, she will find a way." The other girl said.

"Right.. right, why don't you asked someone to do the job for you?" A fat girl added while massaging her.

Thinking of this, she smirked, at the evening she called to one of person who helped her.

"Auntie, what the news about them?" she said from the other line.

"I found that, my dream guy suddenly getting married, he send an invitation to me and invited me to come to their married, I'm pretty sure he was going to marry that slut Ger!"

"What!! you can't let that happen! you need to do anything to make that wedding stop! even death is the answer, I don't care." She gritted her teeth in anger.

"Don't worry, I will do everything to ruin that wedding, first you need to prepare.. I'm planning to get you out there, it will happen soon." She smirked, same as girl from the other line, she laughed upon hearing it.

"Really! you're really good at me my beautiful auntie."

"I have plans." She smirked, thinking about her brilliant plan and laughed out loud.



Kiet, looking at his computer and watching some medical clips, and he heard a knock on his door. "Come in."

The man who wear black suit Wai at him and walked towards him, he then reached out a folder to Kiet.

Kiet, open it and looked at the papers with pictures of the one man.

His brows frowned and looked at the man. "Are you sure it was him?"

The man stand straight and proudly said. "Yes, I'm one hundred percent sure, director."

He clenched his fist and read the file in his hand. "Sattapong Hongkittikul, AKA Pop." then Kiet stared at his picture before looking back at his personal private investigator. "Find him, and watch him whatever he do, who he contact this few months I want every information about him!" Kiet knew that this man will not drug Sonchai if he don't know about Sonchai, or someone else asked to do it.  He need to find the root of this tree, and cut it off before it get bigger and worst.

At the other side, Sonchai was lead to their new house, it was gift by Kiet, it has a 24 hours body guards and it's makes his friends safe, but of course it wasn't free at all, the deal is, a honey moon out of the country. for Kiet it's was win win deal but for Sonchai, its not! He's hole is the bet here!

My Wife Is A Gangster(Mpreg)CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ