Intro: Euphoria

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I run away laughing as I look behind me, Jungkook holding Minhyuk, Hoseok's son in his arms, the two of them laughing holding a balloon filled with water.

I yelped as someone's arm wrapped around my waist and nibbling my ear.

"Got you baby" Jimin whispered and Jungkook stand in front of me and minhyuk threw the water balloon at me making me soaked as well as Jimin.

I chuckled and kiss Minhyuk's cheeks and I faced Jimin.

"He is so adorable" I said, Jimin handed me the towel and I dried my hair and dipped my foot on the pool and Jimin held my hand on his.

Minhyuk is 9 month old now, yeah it's been that long since everything, I'm so happy right now with my life, my clothing line is getting more recognized and we expanded the company as well, Jimin and I spent each passing day with love and admiration to each other. I'm happy and contented.

Next month, We all planned a trip to Malta, Taehyung planned it, Jimin said he always want to go there ever since and I'm glad we finally found some time off to have a vacation.

"You would be a good mom baby" Jimin said and I chuckled and splash his face some water and he laughed.

"You think? What about you? You're so cute when we went out to pick some clothes for Minhyuk last week" I teased and he bury his head on my neck making me chuckle even more.

"You look really excited, You're gonna be a great dad Jimin" I said and I yelped when he suddenly cupped my face and kissed me and we fell in the pool. Taehyung and Jungkook followed.

"You guys are so disgustingly adorable, just get married already" Jungkook said and Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind, placing his chin on my shoulders.

"I'm gonna propose first" He said and my cheeks heat up and I ducked my head under the water but Jimin pulled me up and he was laughing.

I would be lying if I say I wasn't waiting for Jimin, but like what I said I'm perfectly fine with what we had as of the moment, I'm not getting younger and I want to have more family, of course with Jimin as my husband and the father of my child.

But I believe that time would come.

"Be quick then" Taehyung said and smiled knowingly at Jimin, we get out of the water. I wrapped the towel around my body, Jimin and I went inside to get a proper shower and get some dry and comfy clothes.

I appreciate everything Jimin does for me, for being the most supportive boyfriend yet possessive, I used to hate him for that but now, I just- I guess I just love him to much. I'm his anyway.

"You take a shower first baby" Jimin said as I saw him walked inside the closet and I took my shirt off and followed him, he looked at me and he bite his lips and pulled me closer to his body by my waist.

I smirked and kiss his nose.

"Why shower alone? When we can shower together?" I said and he growl and slam his lips on my, Pushing me against the cabinet, he grasp my bum and I wrapped my legs around his waist and smile on the kiss as Jimin carry me to the bathroom

"You're driving me nuts Y/N!" He groan and put me down and pushed me against the wall and he turn the shower on and kiss me and the rest?

It's all history.

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