Somehow, I felt as if what we were trying to do, was the wrong path.

Not the entirety of me thought that, although some small part of me just doubted what was coming to be.

I took a huge bite out of my pizza, Harry smirking at me. He seemed to always give me that look, making my insides just melt slowly.

"What?" I asked.

"You have a little something." He brushed his finger on the corner of my mouth.

I just sent him a smile, continuing to eat in a silence.

I could feel him staring at me, as I slowly chew on my food.

"See, you're doing it again.'' He tells me.

"What? What am I possibly doing, Harry?" I frowned, shrugging.

"When I brought up the show, your mood changed completely." He pointed. ''You were smiling, laughing and talking until I brought it up and now you're just being cold."

"Oh my god, Harry." I groaned. "Can't a girl just think?"

"Think about what? I want to know, you know that Blue? I deserve to know what's going on in your head. Don't make the same mistakes we did last time, come on babe." He spoke softly. ''Just speak to me.''

"I.. Not here.'' I murmured.

"Fine, let me take you somewhere more private. The kids won't go anywhere anyway, God only knows, they'll probably be playing all night."

He takes my hand as we get up from the booth, and leads me somewhere.


"You're not being serious." I laugh ever so slightly, as we stood in front of a ball pool.

"Come on, it's fun and no one's in here." He smiled. "I'll go in first."

"We aren't kids, I don't think we're allowed to go in here."

"Who cares about rules, come on.'' He urged. He barely fit through the opening, just sliding through as he dived into the deep ball pool. The colorful balls moved around as he squirmed as well.

I laugh, holding a hand to my mouth.

"Come on, Blue!"


I shake my head, not knowing why I was doing this at all. Getting in, I gasped, giggling.

"It's cold!"

He pulls me towards him, as some of the balls roll out of the pit, making my eyes widen.

"Don't move so much.'' I tell him.

I'm sitting in his lap by now, me just playfully scooping the colorful plastic balls into my arms and dropping them. I even grab two and set them on Harry's chest, basically giving him boobs.

I giggled, making him smirk.

"Still wondering how it would be if you had boobs." I laughed, making him shush me.

"Think of the kids, Blue. Gosh." He whispered, as I held my laughter back.



Once again, a silence welcomed us aa we just layed in the ball pit.

"Ready to talk about it?" He asks me.

I wasn't sure honestly.. Harry wasn't one to understand so easily. If I told him, of course he'd deny it, but I knew him well enough to know that he misses being in One Direction, so do the other boys.

The only reason this really happened was because of me. He knows exactly that I was the reason why everything just became a mess.

It didn't seem like a mess, god everything was such a happy ending.. Or at least a make believe happy ending. There was still so much, left unsaid and just kind of..Left there.

Trying to push it to the back of our minds wasn't going to work, at all.

"You miss being up there, don't you. So do your fans." I brought up, not knowing what courage suddenly got in me.

"Blue, you know I might love being in a band, and making people happy.. But babe, none of that will never and I mean never compare to how I love you and the kids."

"But that's the bad thing about this Harry.'' I sighed. "I'm not worth it. I.. I'm not saying the kids were a mistake, because I never regretted that but.. I'm stopping you from doing what you actually want and I don't think it's healthy." I mumbled.

"You aren't, you've got to stop believing that Blue." He whispers, his fingers clasping my face gently and turning me to face him. "Shit, you were the best thing that's ever happened to me. Y-you were there through it all."

"If this is right then why does it seem so wrong." I cried, looking down. I never liked looking in his eyes when I cried, it honestly just showed how weak I really was..

But that isn't what tears are for.. They're to show how long you've held on, really. How you never gave up, no matter how much you wanted to.. That was me.

"That's how it is, it'll definitely feel that way. But you can't give in to that bullshit. Look at everything around you, babe. It's all here, all you have to do is accept it."

"I.." Shaking my head, I let out a sigh. "It isn't easy."

"Don't be so hard on yourself."

I nod once. "I.. Maybe you're right. I'm just being dramatic, like I always seem to fucking do."

"That's why we always fix it." A small smile formed on his slightly pink lips. "And that's swear jar, for the both of us."

I groaned, him slowly leaning in.

"I love you, every single part and living thing inside of you." He whispers, leaving small kisses all over my face.

Harry lastly pecks me on the nose, as I smile.

"Don't cry, alright?" He tells me, wiping my tears away. "It's going to be okay."

And somehow, when he said that.. I believed him.


P.S. I Hate You 2 [ discontinued until further notice ! ]Where stories live. Discover now