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Today is Friday and I successfully made it through my first week of school! I haven't really been talking to Tobias and i honestly don't care! He been stuck up that burnt haired as bitch ass, who i leaned was named Carly. I don't care for her too much. Tobias introduced her to everyone at lunch yeaterday and it was pretty dry. I think everyone had mutal feelings towards the girl. I also learned that she and Amber have known each other since prek. Imagine her face when Amber told her i had Tobias digits! Like girl hush its nothing like that.
And as for Skull, i haven't seen him since tuesday after he dropped me off at home.
Walking into the kitchen I see Jarius siting at the breakfast bar eating Ms.Lisa homemade blueberry waffles!
"Goodmorning big head." He greets me still occupied by his phone.
"Morning." I reply sleepily opening the fridge to get some orange juice. I sit next to him eating some of the waffles from the stove top.
" You up early." He says putting his phone next to him and continue eating. "Yea." I dryly reply.
"Oh its like that?!" He says in surrender. Laughing at his goofy antics i hit his shoulder.
"No goofball. Im just tired." I reply back finished my waffle.
"Yea well my parents went on a business trip for the next 2 weeks so don't expect me to be home too early. Dad said he left u some money on ur vanity this morning so spend it wisely." He says about to head out the door grabbing his things. He graduated last year which is why he isn't in school at the moment.
"Okay cool" I say going back to my room to get dressed. I want to ask why he's coming home so late but I really don't have the energy to question him this morning. I just want to get today over with and enjoy my weekend.
Lazily i throw on a PINK grey jogging suit with my all white air forces, grab my purse and keys and head out to pick up Amber since Eric isn't going to school today.
After garbbing her we make it to school and start our day.

Sitting down at our usual table with everyone else, Amber and I engage in a conversation about a party tonight.
"Seriously, you should come with me so you can get to know some other people. It'll be fun!" She says bitting into her burger still trying to convince me the party will losen me up a bit. Im not really a party person any more considering what happened the last time i attended one back home.
"I dont know Amber..." I began only to be cut off by yelling.
"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I hear Tobias yell from the other end of the table. Shocked my mouth drops. I have never heard or seen Tobias so angry. That bitch done fucked up for real FOR REAL i see! 😂
"Fuck you punk ass nigga!" She yells back while grabbing her bag to leave.
"Oh yea? Fuck me like you fucked my brother?! Bitch FUCK YOU!" My mouth literally dropped. Everyones did shit this was the shock of the day! Slowly Carly looked around the lunch room with tears in her eyes. I almost felt bad for the girl....ALMOST! Like what type of bitch sleeps with her niggas brother? Its beyond my way of Thinking. Angrily, she snatches up her things, running from the cafeteria.
"For real bru?" Charlie ask with his head down.
Just then the bell rang, signaling lunch is over. He stomps from the cafeteria walking towards the exit of the school. As the students began to rush out to their classes i grab Tobias's things, after telling Amber I'll text her later.
Rushing after him.
"TOBIAS!" I yell loudly out of breath. He stops, turning around with a confused expression. Bending over in front of him to catch my breath, i shove his things in his arms.
"Look boy, I'm too big to be trying to chase your tall ass down. Especially how short and fat my legs are, didnt help at all!" I say angrily in one breath. "Now. Tell me why in the total FUCK, are you making a fool of yourself for some lil hoe?" I ask in all seriousness. He looks at me shocked.
"What you mean? She did me fucked up and imz supposed to do what?! CHILL! FUCK THAT BITCH!" He yells aggressively. Oh yea he done lost his marbles.
"YOU RIGHT, FUCK THAT BITCH! BUT WATCH WHAT BITCH YOU YELLING AT!" I yell back with just as much spice and aggreasion. No No baby i don't do that! Again shocked he puts his hands up in surrender.
"Look! No offense to you. I know you was just being kind enough to bring me my shit but I just honestly wanna get outa hea an go lite a blizz." He says kindly. Nodding my head i make my way to the passenger's side of his car.
"Sounds like a plan." I say with my hand on the handle. He stands there for a minute. Like he's thinking. Smirking he unlocks the doors and we both get in. 
After leaving school, we decided to stop by my place so that i could grab a few things. Just my luck that nobody was home. I don't have the time nor energy to explain why i left school early.
Reaching under my bed i quickly grab my smoke box. Yes ya girl smoke weed. Only when its needed though and as of now i know for a fact Tobias needs something to ease his mind.
Finally making it to his place i get out the car to the very unexpected. Going into his house i felt at home. Almost too comfortable. Thats how Tobias made me feel.... comfortable.
"We got the crib to ourselves so make yourself at home." He says smiling a little at me.
"Thanks" i respond with a slight smile. "Honestly it already feels like home. Who decorated?" I ask with full curiosity. Laughing he shakes his head. "Mary." He simply says making his way up stairs to his room a assume. I follow suit....

After three blunts, a box of pizza, and four shows of wilding out, i finally bring up the Carly situation.
"Sooooo you ready to talk?" I ask not looking in his direction.
Not hearing a response, i turn to see him staring ahead at nothing in particular. Like he is in deep thought. Finally he speaks.
"I really love her you know....after everything we've been through i never expected it from her. No matter what anybody said about her i never judged her. I treated her with kindness, love.." He is now on the verge of tears and i feel horrible for even finding an ounce of humour in any of this.
"Its like no matter what i do, she doesn't see how much i care about her, flaws and all." He puts his head down as a stray tear falls. His words ring in my ears like a siren and i completely block out any other words that escape his mouth. The same words i had spoken about my no good ass ex boyfriend Antonio. Thats a whole nother story though.
"Are you even listening?" He ask looking at me curiously. "I know i sound like a bitch n all but that's my girl you know?" He says looking away, almost ashamed. I instantly feel bad.
"No! Of course you dont. Dont ever feel bad about expressing your feelings to me. I am the last person to judge you. I just feel like your investing too much of yourself into someone who obviously cant see she has a good thing. Don't put yourself in a predicament to be hurt and come out in scars for someone who wont do the same for you." I tell him with all honestly. "I know all to well how that will leave you. Save that love for someone worth fighting for." I finish. Yea ya girl is a little wise.
"Damn. You the first to ever say anything thats not telling me to man up or stop being a pussy whipped bitch!" He says laughing and i join him.
"Enough of this sappy shit though." I say getting up after our laughter dies down. "Amber invited me to a party tonight and even though they are not my sceen any more I'm going and so are you so come on." I say gathering my things. He sits up looking at me smirking.
"Is that an order or are you asking?" He ask challenging me.
"An order! Now come take me to get my car from the school so i can go home and get my slow ass ready." I say walking away.
Laughing he nods, "Aight smartass!"

I'm half way there.....Right?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя