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I was walking around with Sasuke, that stupid idiot. He wasn't talking or anything and it was really starting to bother me. 'How long does it take them to decorate!'

"So what do you want to do?" I sighed thinking of Mito, if Mito wanted me to be friends with him I'd at least put in some effort. 'What's going on between them anyway?' I thought looking over at the teme.


"Then don't complain when I choose," I grumbled seeing Ichiraku's up ahead. "I could really go for some ramen right now!" I cheered pulling Sasuke into a seat. Maybe I could get some answers out of him while we're being forced to hang out.

"Is this all you two ever eat?"

"Not important," I mumbled making sure to chew my food. "But I want to know what's going on between you two?"

"Between who?" Sasuke asked smugly taking a bite of his ramen. 'Damn bastard must think I'm an idiot!'

"You and my sister! I'm not dumb dattebayo you guys have been hanging out a lot more!"

"You're delusional," Sasuke mumbled turning his head away from me. He was lying, there was something going on.

"If you're dating my-"

"I'm not dating her," Sasuke said with the same face I make when Sakura rejects me. 'He really likes her...my enemy Sasuke Uchiha likes my sister!'

"No, but you like her" I said waiting for him to deny it, but he didn't. "Wait! You actually like my sister, you...like MI-"

"Shut up dobe." Sasuke hissed covering my mouth "the whole district can hear you."

"You're not denying it so it's true!" I yelled, but then I remembered the horrible truth. "What if she likes you back?"

"I don't know."

"Well you got to date her then!"


"No? What do you mean no?" I panicked wondering if I've read the situation wrong. I'm pretty sure Sasuke didn't have any human feelings, he always just sulks around.

"It's just not what I want to do," he blushed...blushed in front of me. 'This is so weird..he's acting like an actual person with emotions.'

"Well I don't care what you do," I sighed finishing my tenth bowl. "As long as you don't hurt her Mito's my everything and if you break her heart, I'll break you."

"That won't happen."

"You promise?"



The decorations were put up effortlessly, but the cake was a whole different story. Sakura and I couldn't agree on what kind of cake to make for Sasuke. She wanted to make an ultra sweet strawberry cake, while I wanted to make a bitter dark chocolate.

"Sasuke doesn't like sweet things," I said putting my cake in the oven while Sakura was still adding things to her bowl.

"He will once he tastes my cake!" Sakura said getting an eggshell in the batter. "This is the fifth time this happened," she groaned trying to take it out.

"Want me to help?" I offered, but quickly decided not to interfere when she gave me the death glare. 'Ok I guess I'll just make another cake just in case.' I thought looking at the extra ingredients I bought, always be prepared they say. So after countless hours of decorating and Sakura demolishing our kitchen we came out with three cakes.

"This looks terrible," Sakura pouted looking at her lumpy cake that had frosting melting off of it. "He'd never want to taste this in a million years what do we do!"

"Well here," I smiled handing her the exact cake she was trying to make. "Since I finished my cake early I decided to make yours, you can tell Sasuke you made this one."

"Really?" Sakura asked giving me a big hug "thank you, thank you, thank you, Sasuke-lunch will love it!" She cheered putting it in the fridge since it needed to be chilled. I was happy I could help her with Sasuke, then I looked back at the kitchen

"Let's hurry up and clean before the boys get back," I sweatdropped making sure we got straight to work. It was really hard, but it got done and just in time because I heard the door being unlocked.

"We're here!" Naruto grinned pulling a reluctant Sasuke into the apartment. "Oh is that the cake!" He said reaching for it, but I picked it up and pulled it away.

"No this cake's for Sasuke since he doesn't like sweets," I chirped setting it back down.

"But we also made this sweet one!" Sakura said glancing at me. "We made it together it took a lot of work," she said smiling at me. We were kinda friends now and I wasn't going to let her forget.

"Oh it looks really good Sakura-Chan!" Naruto smiled causing her to blush.

"Um well why don't we get the presents" I said with a nervous laugh. 'No no! Naruhina is life stop that!' I thought pushing them away from each other. 'Stop cheating on your future wife!'

"R-right! The presents!" Sakura said going in my room to go get them. So the party commenced we opened presents, Naruto and I got him a tomato plant and kunai sharpener and Sakura the team photo in a new frame, then we played party games. Even Kakashi-sensei showed up for awhile to hang out with us, he said it was a good bonding exercise. Now all that was left to do was eat the cake and the moment I would see if Sasuke would like my bitter cake.

"Here you go slices from each cake," I said handing him the plate. He looked at both of them with equal dissatisfaction, but went for mine first. Sasuke took his bite then bam, the look of surprise crossed his face. "Do you like it Sasuke I knew you didn't like sweet things so I made this. I've been waiting for you to try it all night!"

"I like it," he said bluntly and honestly I was surprised he admitted it so openly. "D-do you want to try some?" He offered his fork out to me and I couldn't stop the blush from spreading across my face.

"Y-yeah," I said taking the bite and that's when I realized I fell for the Uchiha.

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