Luckily for her woman soon walked out holding plates, more goblets and bottles. Placed around the table, a plate for each seated, Siana looked at the plate put before her. Covered in an array of fruits, cheeses, bread and greens Siana just looked at it. Though it looked delicious it wasn’t what she wanted. Craved.

Sipping slowly from his cup War watched as she didn’t even sniff the goods before her. While others feasted she merely sat still, no more movement than a snow covered bird on a branch. Wonder filled him while worry slowly seeped in. Could she be sick? When the youngest besides herself walked by, snatching a strawberry from her plate, Siana made no move to stop him.

Frowning War lowered his goblet as a woman placed a silver plate of fresh raw meat in front of him, catching the sound of air cracking he moved to look in its direction. There barely able to contain her fixated eyes was Siana. She stared at the meat, rivaling that of a hungry wolf stalking its prey.

Pulling out a knife War cut into the butter smooth meat, stabbing it with a light force. As he raised it her eyes followed. Holding a light conversation with another male, War moved the knife a bit as though he was expressing his voice with movement of his hand. Her eyes darted to where ever that meat went.

“War?” Elijah, a long time warrior raised a brow when War moved his free hand. Sticking his palm up for the man to wait. Slowly War brought the knife down lowering its contents onto Siana’s plate. He noticed her tongue drag across her bottom lip, as if already savoring its freshness.

Turning an eye to him Siana stared.

“Try it, maybe you will like it” She seemed slightly confused but nodded never the less. Before she could even gather her courage to pick it up with fingers, that same male whom stole her strawberry walked by snatching it with his knife. War was about to growl at him when Siana snapped both her hands over his arm, one holding his wrist another at his forearm.

The permeating growl she pushed out clenched teeth that were now sunk into his arm sent a tingle down War’s spine. Growling back with pained eyes the male used his other hand to punch her skull. It did nothing but allow her teeth to sink in deeper. War had seen enough.

“Perhaps if you release her food, she will release your arm.” He turned forward in his seat, picking up his drink. “Fair trade if you ask me” A few men chuckled taking sips of their drinks as well.

Shaking the sliver of meat off his knife Siana released him as soon as her eyes saw it freed. Holding his blood covered arm, he gave her a snarl showing rows of white teeth.

“Barbaric lil witch tried to feast from my.” His words caused something to snap in Siana’s head, and her mouth couldn’t stop the words from spilling out.

“Horse shit” She hissed giving him evil eyes. War stop mid sip looking over at her as others who had never heard her speak spit up their drinks.

“What did you call me you witch!” He gave her dagger eyes right back.

“I would not feast from horse shit” It was true she wouldn’t have, no matter her hunger level. But his blood tasted wrong, like it had a stale bread taste that just didn’t settle well with her.

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