Chat couldn't stand to see his Princess in such a state, so he quietly climbed into the room. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling the covers over them, as well as a pillow under them. He knew he was dating Kagami and that one might consider this cheating but he didn't care at the moment. All he cared about was making sure his Princess was okay. What he hadn't expected was for Marinette to wake slightly, turning over to face him and planting a kiss on his adams apple after thanking him.

He couldn't help the blush that spread across his face, nor the way he held her closer and kissed the top of her head. Nor could he help the words that left his mouth, "Goodnight Princess."

It may have been simple but the way he said it, even she could register the amount of love and affection he was transferring into those words despite her sleeping mind. Wrapping her arms around him before falling asleep, Marinette fell into a restful sleep, one of the first ones she'd had in weeks.

~~(Time Skip UwO)~~

When Marinette awoke all she could see was black and green fabric, which, despite her sleepy brain, she was able to tell that Chat had detransformed while sleeping. Despite this Marinette tightened her grip on him and hurried her face into his clothed chest. She knew that he had started sleeping in the hoodie she had made, he had told her he was sad that he couldn't wear it outside his house and visits.

Even then it still made her face flush as she buried her head in it. "G'morning to you too Princess." Chat said, his arms wrapping around her tightly too. "Good morning Chat, what time is it?" She asked as she felt an arm move away from the skin of her underarm and reach instead for her phone that lay to the side of them.

"Five A.M., don't suppose you want to stay asleep do you?" He asked her tiredly, returning his arm to its original resting place. "No, too tired." She mumbled and dug her face farther into his chest, causing him to smile and blush. "Who are you and what have you done to my active Marinette?" He asked with mock disdain.

"I took her and turned her over to the side of sleeping." She says, her voice muffled by his clothing. "Hawkmoth helped me, she's now known as The Sleeper." She continues with a cheeky grin that doesn't go unnoticed by Adrien.

"Le gasp! How could Princess? I cannot believe my Princess would work with my nemesis! Oh the betrayal!" He continued on, moving one hand and putting it against his forehead dramatically. He was satisfied with his act once he could finally hear Marinette's giggles. "What about your parents? Would they notice you being gone?" Marinette asked, turning her closed eyes up at him.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit!" Adrien exclaimed. "I completely forgot about my dad! Sorry Princess, gotta run!" He says, transforming and planting the lightest of kisses onto her lips, not entirely realizing what he had done. At least not yet.

He'd realize once he'd walk into class and see Marinette with her hood over her head and a light blush covering her cheeks.

Would he be regretting? Nope, not at all.

He knew that he didn't regret it when he saw her dazzling smile despite the blush. Marinette was currently talking to Alya who was asking what happened to have made her face so red and to make her so happy. "Nothing Alya, I'm serious." Marinette said with a laugh. If Adrien hadn't been fighting with his girlfriend he might've gone over to Marinette and teased her.

But he was in a fight so instead he simply turned his head to look back at Kagami who was mad that Adrien kept looking at and hanging out with Marinette. "All you do is pay attention to her! Can't you see that she'd be two timing you with that mangy sidekick of a superher-" "Kagami. Do not call Chat Noir a sidekick." Marinette said. Neither of them had noticed her walking over to see if she could be of any help.

She didn't realize that she'd be protecting her Kitty instead of helping her friend's relationship with his dragon of a girlfriend. "Why? Because you're ashamed of your boyfriend's real job?" Kagami pressed on, forgetting Adrien and turning to Marinette who took off her hood and glared at Kagami. Oh the glare, it sent chills down Adrien's spine.

That glare, he knew that Marinette hated Kagami just from that single glare. Oh yes, she hated his girlfriend very much. "I'm not ashamed of Chat Noir, and he's not my boyfriend. Why should you stop talking about him in such a manner," Marinette continues on, closing in on Kagami and forcing her to back into the wall as she places her hand by Kagami's head, "Because you are so blinded by your pure jealousy that you have no idea how much that silly cat actually does for you. He is no sidekick, he has never been. You're lucky that I prefer to stray away from violence, but do not put it past me when you speak of my friends in such a way."

Marinette moves her face from Kagami's and walked over to Alya who was standing at the side with Nino, both very surprised at their friend's actions and words. Adrien however, well Adrien was completely lovestruck. Looking at Marinette stand up for him nearly brought him to tears of happiness. He had never felt as happy as he was when he was with  Marinette.

Especially not around Kagami. No he was never truly happy with Kagami. So the next words that left his mouth were a surprise to everyone but himself. "Kagami we're over. I'm breaking up with you." He says with a soft smile. The looks that cross over Kagami's face, first surprise then confusion and lastly anger, concern everyone.

"Kagami we both know this is entirely overdue. I hope that we can stay friends but if you continue to act like this then I would prefer we do not." He continued on and turned around, walking over to his friends with his hands in his pockets and a glorious smile on his face. "Welcome to the dark side," Nino said, hitting Adrien on the back.

"Yeah, it's good to be back." Adrien said with a sheepish smile. Everyone turned to look at Kagami who was no longer there. Marinette and Adrien both had the inkling of a feeling that they'd be fighting an akumatized Kagami later but neither cared. They'd solve that when they got to it.

A/N: HEY GUYS! So we found my pitbull! The damn dog ran away for a second time after my brother let him off of his chain but we caught him again and he is now safe and back on his chain as a punishment for running away! I have a computer test today for science that'll determine what classes I'm put into for science and how good I am at if so wish me luck on that! As for the story it will continue be be uploaded regularly as usual! Have a great day/night!

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