Chapter 6 -Founded

Start from the beginning

"Get her inside now" It wasn't his voice that I heard but a soft voice coming out from behind him. Ava came out running from behind him, her face white as she as seen a ghost. Her long brown hair braided hanging across her shoulder, her caring brown eyes red from tears that are running down her cheek. Her red corset clashing with Duncan's clothes completely.

"Ava" I whispered.

"Not here, both of you, get her inside NOW!" She shouted. It wasn't long until both Alex and Duncan wrapped their hands around Katherine and lifter her off the ground. I was frozen on the spot watching as they carried my best friend through the golden door frame and was soon nowhere in sight.

"What happened?" I asked as I forced myself on my feet.

"Duncan heard her plea but he couldn't opened door. Something was blocking his magic. Now we know why." Ava said as she gazed at the empty door frame.

"Get Merlin, I want him to bring her back. Now!" I demanded as I stormed off heading to the door frame when her words forced me to a halt.

"He can't do that!" She yelled.

"What?" I swung around, forcing my anger down my body otherwise I might just attack her for that answer.

"He can't, it's the laws of nature. We both know that! If I could I would bring her back but we can't, you know that!" She sounded so focused on her facts that would have agreed with her if it have not been for Katherine in my arm, LIFELESS!

"Excuse my French but fuck that! I don't care about the fucking laws of nature, she was the one who broke it when she brought me back. I will do the same for her with or without your help!" I moved closer to her, moving away from the entrance of the hall.

"Sebastian, I know what you are feeling but we have to think like reasonable people here. Jacob broke the laws of nature and look where that got him!"

"On the verge of ripping apart the Luna" I snapped back. Deep in her eyes I saw I hit a nerve with that.

"I am sorry for snappy but I will not stop. She is the only true family I have since I was a kid and I will not give up on her! Not now and not ever! I am asking for your help, please?" I pleaded one last time for her help in order to bring my best friend back from the realm of the dead. One last attempt. I saw only hesitation in her eyes for a few seconds knowing she would turn me down but I was surprised when she answered me.

"Alright, you find out what's happening inside, I will get Merlin" I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug, thanking her.

"He is already on his way" A voice from behind me made me jump out of my skin from the heart attack I just got. I swung around to find a white spirit standing in front of me, with long braided hair, an old medieval dress which was still as white as the rest of her. She was also sort of transparent which just freaked me out even more. Am I dead? I leaned a little closer to Ava so that only she will be able to hear me.

"You see her too right?" I whispered into her ear.

She didn't answer but she did nod to the fact of acknowledging the spirits existence. Braver than I, she took a step forward, closer to the woman spirit.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I am a friend of the one you call Katherine" Her voice was sweet, caring almost like a concerned mother.

"Do you know if we can save her?" I asked.

"There is a way but head my words, the dark one who took her life did not think clearly of her intentions. Katherine needed to go to Avalon and by killing her she did. Listen to me closely, you must let Katherine do what needs to be done. When the time is right she will awaken by herself for not even the Lady of the lake will be able to keep in an Ancient from escaping the realm of the dead"

"What do you mean?" I asked still a little shocked from what she just told me, my best friend needed to go into the realm of the dead!

"All will be explained once he gets here. Take care young ones, it's all up to her now"

What is wrong with these people, why do they want to keep my best friend trapped in a world where there may not be a way out let alone the answers they want her to find? If they want to send my best friend there then they better hope she gets out there or not even the Gods will be able to protect them from me.

Ava and I were back inside the Great Hall of Light, surrounded by the dark stone floor and walls. I on the other hand was already at Katherine's side holding her hand. Alex was with Ava and Duncan awaiting the reappearance of Merlin which according to the spirit may be the only one who can give us the answers we want. This is so frustrating I want to hit something until it breaks but I can't because everything is made of bloody stone. I reached out and glided my hand through her blond hair, holding back the tears that were slowly building their way back to the surface.

"Please come back to me" I whispered.

Now all I had to was wait. Gods be with her...

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