Chapter 6 -Founded

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"Katherine?" I yelled out into the night sky hoping she would hear my call. Our footsteps echoed against the fallen leaves of the darkest trees around us. Walking in front of me all geared up was the love of my life, Alex. A large dark polished wooden across his back, with a black leather quiver underneath it. His raging biceps may not compare to mine, if I am allowed to brag, just made him look all dangerous and sexy. He was dressed in his war clothes as he would call it, black leather tank top jacket, leather pants and boots along with a glove on each hand. I called Alex as soon as Kat disappeared at the hospital, what is wrong with that girl I mean didn't she learn her lesson the last time she ran away. When I get hold of that girl I am going to slap her that those blonde curls will never stop bobbing for an entire week.

"Honey? Did you hear that?" Alex called from the front.

"What is it?" I asked as I ran up next to him, looking out into the darkness that was wrapping around the tree stumps like a blanket around a body. We stood there, listening to what is going on around us. There were animals moving through the woods, the wind dancing through the leaves. Then I heard something, like heavy weight moving across the fallen leaves on the ground. The movement was heading into our directions. In the corner my eye I saw Alex place his right hand on the silver hilt of his belt blade. Was he expecting something I wasn't because I was told to leave all my weapons behind ever since I went all pshyco a few months ago.

The thumps were growing louder and louder making its way towards us. Then all of the sudden it just disappeared leaving only the silence of the night in our wake.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"No idea but the came from over there." He said pointing toward the mountain's side. We both took a deep breath before moving to the origin of the footsteps. As we climbed over the tree roots that were growing through the ground floor I couldn't help but get this chilly feeling that something was wrong, the only time I ever got that feeling was when Kat was almost killed in that explosion of her house but it wasn't as bad as this, something is horribly wrong.

As we moved I could hear the echo of water breaking down on the sharp edges of rocks. We were close to a waterfall by the sound of it. I sort of rushed past Alex only to enter a clearing, looking a magnificent waterfall that was flowing down into a pool at the bottom. This was the waterfall of light as I remember clearly but something was different. At the edge of the pool was person laying down on her side. Her long blond hair hanging down her back and on the grass. She was dressed in a white tank top that had some sort of red stain at the back, a dark blue denim pants and black boots with a white lily on the top of the boot edge. Wait I know those boots! It was like my spirit jumped out of body and ran away. I ran towards her not caring for the dangers but I just needed to know. I placed my hand on her shoulder feeling a cold touch underneath my hand. I slowly pulled at her making her roll onto her back and just like that everything I knew was gone, my family and now the only person in the whole world who accepted the real me before Alex.

"Katherine!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks none stop. Her blue eyes were empty, broken, her skin was white like a sunflower pedal. My best friend dead in my arms!

"O God Katherine?" I didn't even hear his voice I just kept on crying with Katherine's cold corpse wrapped in my arms. Who would do this? Why? She would never hurt a fly but then it hit me! JACOB! I am going to tear him limb from limb when I get my hands on him but I didn't want to leave her there, I knew the only person who could help her was not that far.

"Duncan I know you can hear me, open this Fucking door now!" I shouted even louder than before even with the tears rolling down my cheek.

I never knew what would happened but it wasn't long before the water stopped moving and the water parted ways. Revealing Duncan at the edge of the gold framed door. His brown beard, dark brown hair that styled messy ever since Ava asked him out a few months ago. He was dressed in his usual watcher clothes. Snow white jacket, white shirt underneath, tight pants and army boots.

Ancient Magic #2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ