Chapter 17: Trust

Start from the beginning



"...Once we collect the orbs...they will..." Lucian's hands started shaking as Luigi noticed.

"Lucian?" Luigi put his hand on his shoulder.

" will know when we collect them all. You have my word. It is...difficult to explain at this moment.."

"O-Okay." Luigi said. Lucian's reaction seemed...suspicious to him. It was just a simple question, why did he start shaking all of a sudden, and why won't he say the answer? Regardless he decided to drop the subject, and let Lucian finish what he was doing. However, to drop the tension, he decided to change the subject.

"So, Lucian, besides being a god...did you like to do something else? Hobby-wise?" He asked.

"Hmm...well, I was always such a fan of poetry." He said. "During my times in the organization, I would always read any kind that I would lay my eyes on."

"Which one's your favorite?"

"I have so many favorites, I cannot even choose one." Luciam chuckled as he closed his eyes. "I was not much of a socialist back then. I would always spend my time reading. Studying."

"Well, considering we're bringing these books with us, that's a skill that will definitely come in handy." Luigi said. Lucian nodded his head in agreement.

"Now, what about you, Luigi?" He asked. "Are there any activities you and your brother do?"

"Well...I dunno if you already know this, but me and Mario do like to be plumbers once in a while. I guess it's just something we were born into doing."

"That is an interesting hobby." Lucian said as he put the last book into the satchel. "Do you do another?"

"We both do some sports too. Tennis, Football, Golf, you name it." Luigi said.

"You do so much more than I do." He said impressed. "It almost fills me with jealousy."

"Hehe.." Luigi rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Lucian then sat the satchel upright.

"Okay. This should be what we need information-wise." He said. "We are going to need some items as well before we leave."

"Right." Luigi said as he glanced upstairs. He was still worried whether Mario was truly going to be okay or not. Sure, he looks peaceful this morning, but he has a feeling it won't last all day. Lucian saw this, and he frowned.

"You can check on your brother if you wish, Luigi." He said. "Family is very important."

"Okay, thanks Lucian." Lucian nodded his head as Luigi headed towards the staircase. As soon as he made it up, he gently opened the door, and he saw Mario was still sleeping on his bed. Luigi closed the door, and he walked over to him. He still had a peaceful expression on his face, yet something about him. It didn't feel like it was darkness, or rather it was a familiar feeling. A person.

"I wonder what you're dreaming about.." Luigi muttered to himself as he put his hand on his brother's shoulder.


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