Weeds - Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

Did I want to go? 

“Like a lot of people from school will be there and since the paintings done and dry I just thought it could be like a house warming party too, I don’t know, I get if you think its lame.” 

I scoffed, as if Elliott could throw a lame party, he might be borderline unsocial but the guy could have a good time I had witnessed this when I passed by his gym class last week. 

“Sounds fun.” 

“Really?” He sounded shocked. 


Elliott nodded giving me a small smile, "Alright, don’t forget your costume." 

The rest of the walk consisted of mindless chatter but I didn’t miss the look I was getting from my fellow pupils. 

The moment I got home I phoned Ghost to ask if she was going to the party as well, she confirmed my suspicion and insisted that we go costume shopping that afternoon, which I agreed to since the only costume I owned was my costume from the eight grade when I dressed up as a mustard bottle. 

Ghost arrived at my house and we took my car to the mall which was in the same suburb outside of Stinson's where Jake lived. 

I was surprised at how packed the costume place was, girls and guys were crowding the endless racks of costumes and my first ide for a costume was either Wonder woman, or Pocahontas. 

We went to search for Ghosts costume first, to no surprise she chose to dress up as a Ghost... a sexy one. 

I had always found the story of how Ghost found her name cute and funny, her father was from Scotland which is where she gets her orange hair and green eyes but he moved to Asia when he was very young, he never learned English and as a result when he married Ghost mother in Japan they had their fist child, her dad wanted to name her an American name and since he had heard of the word Ghost they assumed that was a name. And that was the story of how Ghost Forrester came to be. 

Ghost came out of the change room wearing her costume, which was a ghost bride. She looked amazing. 

I gave her a thumbs up, I noticed the store was clearing up so I went on a search for my costume. 

I was more than a little upset that my first too choices were no longer available, I blamed Elliott for not have given me more time to find a costume. 

There were isles filled with sexy maids, sex zombies, sex nurses, sexy princess, sexy cheerleaders, basically sexy everything. 

When I was beginning to loose hope I found it.  

The costume. 

I grabbed the packet and made sure no one was looking as I grabbed it and shoved it into my shopping basket before heading over to the wig department. 

After getting the rest of the pieces to my ensemble I headed over to the cashier, who was a grumpy old lady who I think hailed from Europe. 

Ghost waited patiently for me before we exited the store and towards the escalators, because who would walk a bunch of un necessary stairs? 

Our next stop was the shoe store, my regular Chucks really wouldn’t work with my costume. 

Ghost went on the look for a pair of white stilettos while I went to look for high heeled black ankle boots. 

It was quite the endeavor to find the right boots but when I found them I knew it was worth it. 

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