CHAPTER 8 - Slender Boy

Start from the beginning

I never did catch your name though, he thought to himself.

He found himself going towards them, getting to where everyone had been dancing he got obstructed by a girl who was obviously really drunk.

"Hey, Casey right?" She said, he scrunched his face, she already drakes of alcohol an hour into the party.

"No, Christian and you're drunk," he said blankly catching her as she slumped on him. He knew her, but never really knew her name, he did know her friends and hoped they would be here also.

"Oh! The birthday boy," she giggled, letting her weight fall on him completely.

"You need to get home... or a room," he started carrying her to one of the rooms, hoping to find someone who would later take her home. He couldn't possibly leave her wondering around in this condition.

"Take me home Christian," she sang, smiling at him like she was in a fairytale.

He held her, and sighed. Looking back, he could not longer find Allen and his roommate wishing sight. He but his bottom lip defeatedly as he led the girl down the hall, getting to an empty room, he spotted someone he knew.

"Jessica!" He called after her.

"Christian?..... Amber?.....What on.... what on earth is she on," she said laughing looking at her friend.

"Hi," he have her a close lipped smile.

"Hi," she said still laughing.

"I don't know what she took or what she's on," he said looking at her.

"Leave her alone for a minute and she goes crazy," Jessica hung her purse on her shoulder.

She walked towards them, checking her friend. "I'm sorry," she looked at Christian.

"No, really,  it's nothing," he told her, helloing her take her friend into the room.

"La la land," Amber chimed softly, cooking her self on impact with the bed.

Jessica opened her mouth to say something but shut it back, she laughed.

She turned back to Christian who was straightening up his clothes, "thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled at her, leaving the room.

She ran to the door and shouted a happy birthday to Christian to which he turned back smiling giving her a thumbs up.

"Let's get you sobered," She said, closing the door behind her.

By the time he got back, he still couldn't find any trace of Allen and his roommate or even Hitler and Rex. He thought he could use a drink and headed to the kitchen where he met Rex, filling up two red cups.

"Hey man, happy birthday," Rex said, handing one of the red cups to him and pulling him into a bro hug.

"Thanks," he sipped his drink, looking around and then back at Rex. "you seen Hitler or Allen?"

"Naah, not recently, Hitler went off with a blonde chick, Allen with Alyssa. They were just here few minutes ago, Allen, Alyssa and Myles."

"Who's Myles?" Christian looked at him.

"Allen's roommate," Rex supped from his cup.

"Oh!" Christian nodded.


Christian took another sip from his cup, thinking a little bit too much about the name Myles, he shrugged off the thought when he noticed he'd been pondering on the name for too long. He stood just at the entrance of the kitchen, looking around and sipping his alcohol. He stopped, wiping the beer off his lips with the back of his arm when he saw him.

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