Chapter Ten🕷Red Leather Book

Start from the beginning

"What happened early after the snap, and right after the Blip."

"Details about your sex lives."

"MJ!" If we had pearls, we'd be clutching them. Out of the three, I'd expect Ned to ask such a scandalous question.

"You were like, twenty-two, and we're all friends who won't tell anyone. Right?"


"Right. Um, the first one I guess. Remember that time I passed out during exam week? Long story short, my soul went to space, and I met Thanos. He remembered me during our battles and brought me back to life after I saved Peter- you know about that, right?" Everyone nodded, "Good. So, he brought me back and erased my memories. And for around a month I stayed like that. He changed me."

I lifted my shirt. The trio gasped. Quickly, I tugged my shirt down, harsher than I needed to. I expected their reaction, but it didn't mean I'd get used to it.

"I used to have one on my head, but it disappeared when I aged back. During those days I killed- I killed people for him, and blood bent without restraint. It was bad. Then the Avengers saved me and yeah, we can move on to the next question now," I didn't want to say any more, or go into further detail.

"For about a year and a half after I was rescued, I was really messed up. The professor and I had sessions to get him out of my head, but it was slow going. So I drank a lot. Peter finally sat me down and we talked through everything. Which uh, which leads to the last question," my face got hot, "Before that heart to heart it was highschool stuff. Then that conversation shifted things and... yeah. It was normal most of the time, with some uh, difference here or there. I hate you MJ."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm surprised you actually answered."

Harry spoke up, "We still love you, and you're still a hero in our eyes. Riptide isn't Thanos' Daughter. You're Riptide, and by default you're a hero which means you can't get out of it."

Ned took it upon himself to initiate a group hug. I missed them. Sure, our internal conflicts were a bit more intense. But not a day went by when I didn't think about how much I missed them and their weirdness. My memories with them blurred eventually, but they were crystal clear in front of me again.

Squeezing them tighter, I cherished the moment, "I missed you guys."


After my friends left, Jess wandered up to the apartment. It was weird that she could do that, being building manager and not the main secretary.

I made snacks, and went over everything I already had when my other friends were over. When I was finished, Jess hummed, sat back, and nodded slowly. I waited patiently for her to say something.

"So, you're technically as old as me, then?" Was what she finally got out. I nodded in response. It was a technicality that Peter and I were in our twenties because we had adjusted both our bodies and our minds, but it was still true. "How would you feel if I got married before you?"

"... What?"

That was not what I expected to hear. At all. Jess, single, lesbian, secretary. Only one of those three was still true.

"You remember Via? The girl I went to college with. We've both graduated, and we have steady jobs since the Blip recovery, and well... I love her, and I want to marry her. Dying for five years sort of put things into perspective in a cliche way. So uh, I bought a ring, and yeah."

"Oh my God, Jess that's amazing!" I finally processed her words and pulled her into a hug, "I'm so happy for you! I still need to meet Via, though."

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