Chapter Eight🕷Come to Pass

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I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot.


Chapter 8: Come to Pass


I had never fully understood the saying 'to the death' before the final battle

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I had never fully understood the saying 'to the death' before the final battle. It seemed like an exaggeration, because one of the sides would win and it would be a one sided death. But this time, with both sides being so determined and powerful, it was anyone's game and we were all aware of it.

"Would you like me to activate Instant Kill Mode?"

"Oh my God, I have one of those?" I swiped down against an Outrider, turning to Peter excitedly, "Peter I have an instant kill mode!"

"Good for you!" Peter encouraged, narrowly avoiding a kill shot.

"Yes, Misty, activate it!" Without warning, what looked to be daggers shot out of my suit cuffs, but they didn't make the normal metallic shing. "What the hell are these?"

"Would you like a demonstration?"

"Now isn't the best time but I don't see why not."

"Hold your hand out to an enemy."

An approaching Chitauri soldier was the perfect opportunity. I held my right hand out towards them, waiting for something to happen. Nothing, and the enemy continued to get closer.

"Uh, Misty-"

"Focus and feel it Miss. (Y/n), there's water running up stores in your sleeve."

Sure enough, I could sense the water running down my arm. Biting my lip, I aimed and just meant to shoot a blast of water at the enemy to disorientate them before I continued the battle. What I wasn't expecting was for the water to concentrate into a blast similar to ice, but much sharper and concentrated. The soldier fell to the ground after receiving a headshot, motionless.

"Woah," I marvelled, looking down at the new equipment again.

"Tony called them 'water guns' and found it quite funny. While you still aim and control the water, they go through the concentrators beforehand and are formed into sharp blasts. To the enemy, it's like millions of needles attacking them at once."

"Let's do this," I smirked, turning to another soldier and letting loose.

With my new equipment, along with my past experience, it was easy to forget that I constantly hesitated while using my mutations because of the dark deeds I used it to accomplish in the past. It was nice, and I realized how much I missed being Riptide. I wasn't whole without my hero side.

Looking back to see how Peter was doing, it surprised me to see Tony land right in front of him, helmet moving away from his face. Smiling slightly, I shifted closer to them to both listen in on and protect their moment.

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