Why not today?

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Every single time I look at my own face, 

I see the misery that I put inside of me.

The feeling of dread, the feeling of hope

fading away from the depths of my soul. 

If I were able to say one thing,

why not today?

Or at least, some time soon?

Goals, achievements, step by step.

Small but necessary,

pain is important, 

gratification is important,

pay out is also important.

Why not try to grasp that pay out?

There is no one stopping you, but you.

Try, try, and try again.

Dark places in our minds,

enjoyable places in our minds,

a necessary interaction is required.

Be in the moment, but also be aware of the future. 

Find your own goals, and hold on.

Find a way to get there, even if it is hard. 

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