"So Eve, you can take a seat right here." He told me, setting some kind of screen thing up.

"And the father of the baby can sit right there." He motioned for Zayn to sit on a stool next to my seat. My eyes widened, as did his.

"Oh, no no I'm not.. No I'm just.. I'm just a friend." Zayn stammered.

"Oh, my mistake." The doctor apologized.

How awkward.

Dr. Cooley got to asking me questions about everything. What I ate, how often I had morning sickness, how long ago I found out I was pregnant, and asked about Andrew. I was a little snappy about Andrew, but I did my best to answer his questions.

He gave me some packets, and a book that would have everything I needed to know in it according to him.

"Okay. Now it's time for the ultrasound." He said, setting things up on his screen computer thing and taking out an epilator.

An extremely cold gel was spread onto my stomach and I shrieked a little bit, making Zayn chuckle. I took his hand and squeezed it in excitement, realizing I was about to see my own child.

He moved his machine thing over my stomach and on the screen, you could see a black and white image, which was where the baby would be.

"There it is." He pointed out a fuzzy white thing. "That's your baby. As you can see, it's barely developed. As time goes on, he or she will grow."

Tears filled my eyes as I realized this was all real. Even though to most the image would just be a blurry white spot, to me it was my whole world. I looked over at Zayn who was grinning widely at me.

Dr. Cooley printed the picture out and handed it to me after getting the gel off of me. I held the photo in my hands and gave it a good look. I didn't expect an ultrasound to effect me as much as it did.

The appointment concluded, and basically everything was okay. He told me I was about two months along, and I'd start showing in about a month. He also said we'd be having regular check ups, and I'd get to know the sex of the baby at about four and a half months. It was a lot to take in, but he told me told me to start thinking about different stuff like taking certain classes and thinking about my birth options.

I knew for sure I wasn't giving birth in some bathtub. Or without an epidural.

"Sorry Li." I said to Liam once we got out of the office.

"It's alright. No one would let me in. But I'm sure Zayn was fine."

"Yeah, except Dr. Cooley automatically assumed Zayn was the father." I rolled my eyes.

Liam made a face that I couldn't really read. But he soon slapped a smile on his face and changed the subject. "So everything is alright?"

"Yup." I smiled and held the ultrasound up to his face. Liam's face was priceless. His smile was even wider than Zayn's had been.

"Let's head back to the house then. I'm sure everyone's probably playing video games, but they'll be so excited to see the baby's picture." Liam told me.

Once we walked through the front door, we were greeted with a surprising silence.

"Hello?" Liam called out while looking confused.

"In here." Harry responded from the living room. He, Louis and Niall were spread out in the living room, each reading one of my baby books.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the three of them.

"It's not funny. It's educational." Lou pouted, but then jumped up when I held the ultrasound up. "That's amazing." He hugged me and passed the picture to Harry.

"Oh really? What have you learned?" I raised my eyebrow at them.

"You have to have that baby inside of you for a little less than a year." Harry said. Duh. He looked at the picture and grinned just like the others. "Aw look at the baby. Even though its not a baby yet, it's still cute."

"Already knew that." I fake yawned.

"You will probably get bizarre cravings like pickles with ice cream or something." Louis told me. I knew that too.

"You shouldn't drink or smoke or else it could cause problems for the baby. Second hand smoke counts." Niall pointed out, and then saw the ultrasound. "Wow." He gazed in awe. "That's inside of you?" I nodded, but then realized what he'd just said about smoking.

I hadn't even thought of that. I wast a drinker or a smoker. But secondhand smoke? All of our eyes discretely made their way to Zayn. He was looking pretty uncomfortable.

I was about to tell Zayn about how he was free to make his own choices and how I didn't want to be an inconvenience, but Zayn surprised me by speaking up.

"I'll quit."

I think everyone's eyes just about fell out of their sockets. I was shocked to say the least.

"What?" Liam sounded exasperated.

"I said, I'll quit." Zayn repeated, losing patience with Liam.

"Zayn you don't have t-"

"Eve, I want to. For the baby. And for you. It's for the best." He assured me, putting his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. Surges of electricity ran through my shoulder, and didn't fade when he removed his hand.

Oh god I need to rest my hormonal mind.

"Thank you so so so much Zayn." I hugged him. He smelled like a mixture of a manly cologne and faintly of tobacco. I felt bad that he had to quit, but I was relieved too. Not just for myself. In the long run, it would save him too.

"You're welcome." He smiled, pulling away.

His smile was so cute and genuine. His nose scrunched up and his eyes had little creases in them. I wanted to die right there.

Okay I really needed to rest before I pounced on the poor guy.

"Well, I think I need a nap." I announced, moving swiftly from the presence of the five of them to my room.

I shut the door and plopped onto my bed. Why couldn't I stop noticing how attractive Zayn was? Why? How inappropriate and weird is that? I'm going to be a mom! Bloody hell forget that! I'm gonna be fat! I let out a groan into my pillow before shutting my eyes and falling into a sleepy serene environment.

Harry's POV

Did I just hear correctly? Zayn's quitting smoking? And not for himself, but for Eve and the baby?

We'd been trying to get him to quit for a year! And he never budged! And all of the sudden he was all for it. I saw Liam wince as the two connected in a long embrace before she sped off into her room of a nap.

That's when shit went down.

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Blog: alexanoellejones.blogspot.com


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