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The breakfast Wolverine ate was not enough to satisfy his belly. He still feels thirsty and hungry and the sweet smells of food really capture his attention. He runs to a restaurant window, peeks inside and sees a lot of food on the round tables. His mouth starts watering but a great number of people inside makes him hesitant; they might start throwing things at him here too.

Through the window he sees eight ladies around a table, busy chatting inside, with their hands fervently waving in the air. Wolverine starts wondering,

'Why are they waving a lot? Any flies or mosquitos around?'

'Huh, can't see any!'

'Like Swedes, talk and talk but can't make up their minds, I'll go help them eat!'

So Wolverine darts in and straight to their table and takes his pick. The ladies bounce from their chairs horrified and run out of the restaurant.

Wolverine starts chewing his pick in his mouth but his face turns red and he starts coughing. Then he spits it out and retorts,

'What the heck is this? What sort of food is this?'

'And's close to Christmas but I can't see any ham or any salmon here?'

'And where do they have rye bread?'

'And what about oven-baked casseroles like liver casserole, carrot casserole, potato casserole or swede casserole?'

He retorts 'Swede casserole!' and has a good laugh.

'And what is this? Hot water in a glass! Can't they get any cold water from their tap to drink?!'




Search information online about Finnish Christmas foods like Christmas ham (joulukinkku), rye bread (ruisleipä), Christmas casseroles (joululaatikot) mentioned above.

Shortie or Ccookie?

Go to the Appendices and find more information about Swedish people in Ccookie 3.

Anyway, it's worth reading the description about Wolverine. He is the third main figure, characterized there in more detail.  Helps you better understand his reactions in this story.

Weigh Out Way-Inजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें