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Christmas Day passes more or less just by eating and relaxing. The Chinese also chat with their relatives through a WiFi connection. They send WeChat-messages and make video calls talking eg about their relatives, and how cold but how beautiful too it is in Lapland. Their relatives back home in China ask them more questions about the Hideaway. What makes the relatives a bit worried is that they don't know the exact whereabouts and that it is also so silent there.

Mrs Claus makes the Chinese a bit more relaxed by telling them that the Christmas present rides will be over tonight so they will be meeting Santa himself tomorrow morning on Boxing Day. They feel even more delighted because Laura Norppa (Saimaa Seal) will be taking them ice fishing (whatever that is; anyway something new); she is a real fishing pro so she knows how to catch fish. Then in the late afternoon they will be coming back to the Hideaway for dinner and, of course, for a sauna.

When Christmas Day is drawing to a close, they have a sauna and feel relaxed, which makes them fall asleep even better than normally. They have a tranquil night and feel well-rested enough to face whatever Boxing Day has in store for them.  

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