Chapter 6 - Mission Possible

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The rain lashed the windows of the armoury as Sasha looked around for a good weapon to fight with. She and her team were about to head out on a mission. She was thinking about the daggers, whether it was worth the pain of them rubbing against her ankles when she put stored them in her boots. She decided on taking them knowing that they would be useful if she ran out of ammunition for her guns. She had two Glock G29's stashed at her waist as well as a few small grenades tied at her thigh and extra cartridges on her back.

She walked out of the armoury, supporting all the gear she needed to kick some ass. Her team was in the hall waiting. When she turned the corner they stopped talking and started heading towards the exit.

She and her team had been training for months, not just with weapons but team-building exercises designed to make them stronger and more lethal. It had worked. They were now the most highly skilled team in the institute and the one everyone depended on. She had worked her but off to become the best and it had paid off.


They walked onto the block of an expensive manor, owned by one of the high rollers of the city. His name was Tim Getter and it was one of his business partner's that had come crawling to the institute, hoping to hire a team to assassinate his partner. It was simple really, the partner wanted Tim dead to get all his money and power. He was your usual power-hungry asshole.

The head of the institute, Shannon (who had been like a dad to her in her teenage years), had put the team together, that's why she and the rest of them and they had spent months training together.

The rain was an uninvited guest and rather a nuisance, as she had to wear her long cloak. Well she had to wear the cloak anyway, it was a rule the Shannon enforced to hide their identities, so they could still go out in public without being identified and arrested. Shannon had also made her wear a mask because he knew she would probably take to cloak off. Sasha liked the mask, it made her look mysterious and interesting. She didn't mind the rain, because she liked the smell of it, but it was most likely to limit her vision which was already partially affected by the mask. She was just going to have to suck it up and deal with it though because she was the key to the operation.

Her team arrived at the house of Tim Getter and stealthily made their way up the driveway. Past his 6 fancy sports cars. Dang, this guy was loaded. There were a couple of guards stationed at the front door but a couple of high strength tranquillizer darts handled that. The shooter was James, he was an excellent shot, second only to her. She looked at him and nodded her approval.  He nodded back. A sign of respect. She had gotten most of the assassins in the institute to respect her. Only after she beat them at all the courses though. Those who didn't respect her, however, were just jealous that Shannon paid so much attention to her.

Two people were nominated to stay watch at the front of the house, while she and the other 4  walked around to the back. Another couple shots by Jamie rendered all the guards unconscious and they slipped silently inside. It was around 1:30 in the morning so Tim was most likely asleep. They made their way into the bedroom where they found him passed out next to a bottle of bourbon with the T.V still on. It didn't surprise her that he was watching porn.

They had discussed how they were to kill him during the team meetings and a slit throat would be quick easy and effective. They had also decided that Talia was to complete the task. She was in her late 20s and lethal with a blade.

When Talia had finished, she and her team began to leave the bedroom. It was something dark on the dresser that caught her eye, and when she walked over to it her blood turned to ice.

A black ski mask.

Just like the one the gunman wore we he—. Her heart pounded. What did this mean? What relation did this rich, stupid businessman have to that mask?

She would get answers and she would kill whoever had done what they had done to Cyrus. She would avenge her friend.

What relation did this man have to the gunman? What will Sasha find out about him? 

Thanks so much for reading my story, hope you enjoy :)


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