Chapter 2 - Good morning - Or not

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She woke to sound of yelling outside her door. Damn, Cyrus had probably come to see her and got caught leaving his post (the gun range). He was supposed to man it almost 24/7. However, he never got to train that often.

She climbed groggily out of bed and put on some clothes that consisted of a boring t-shirt and jeans matched with her favourite hoodie. It was her favourite because it was the colour of lapis lazuli, her favourite type of blue. She pulled open her door ready to defend Cyrus, still tying up her hair, but the shouting ended as soon as she opened her door. She only caught a few words before Cyrus pulled her into her room.

"You can't evade your responsibility forever Cyrus."

"It's not forever just until I'm ready, just until she's ready"

"Yeah and how long will that be."

"I don't know yet, but rest assured you will know."

"What was that all about?" she asked Cyrus as he closed the door. "It doesn't matter," he replied curtly. "I'm here to take you to breakfast." I didn't feel like eating the stale cereal and toast the institute served, so I told him. "Not here silly, at a cafe. There's this new one I've been meaning to go to. I thought you might accompany me."

She stopped and looked him up and down. "I was hoping for a sleep in today but I guess I'll go to breakfast. Who else is coming?" He looked at me. "Just us Sash." For a second there was a look in his eyes that looked like, was that embarrassment? Then it was gone. "Oh ok, that's fine. Let's go." She grabbed her wallet which was getting thinner and thinner, from her lack of work recently. She had just felt like a break.

Cyrus led her out of the institute and into the car park, where his sleek black convertible stood, just waiting for someone to take it for a spin. They got in the car. Mmmm, it smelt of those little air freshener things that you hang on the rearview mirror. It was a strawberry flavour. As they started driving off Cyrus began talking to her nothing important just conversation starters. She didn't mean to ignore him she just chose to let the sleepiness envelop her, after all, it was only 7:30 am.

Will it be a nice breakfast? Who knows? Read the next chapter to find out


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