Life and death

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I'm so sorry in advance

Ellie sat in the ambulance next to her brother, hugging her knees. Why did babies hurt their mommies so much? Did she hurt mommy like this when she was born? Why was Ronnie hurting anyway, it's just a baby? She heard one of the men who worked on the ambulance tell Ronnie to not push. Ellie covered her ears, the screams had gotten way to loud. What did he not want her to push? Everything was happening way too fast, weren't they supposed to get on a place? A real plane! Why couldn't the baby just wait?
    Veronica on the other hand couldn't feel anything other than a horrible excruciating pain. There was no way this was normal, she felt her whole body shake each time another surge tore through her body. JD sat on the bench next to her, holding her hand and whispering comforting words to her. Ironic how they were almost in the same position ten months ago, just turned around. "JD.. I'm scared.. what if.. something.. happens?"
   "We're gonna be fine, Ronnie I promise." Another surge ripped her body.
  "We're here Ma'am!" The EMT exclaimed and they wheeled her into the hospital. "Back again?" A familiar voice said, it was Dr.Smith! From what Veronica could hear, JD explained their situation (although it was pretty obviously to her). Their was so much going on, she could barely tell if she was moving or not. They must've been, since she blinked and noticed they had been moved to a room with doctors and nurses yelling things at one another. Where was JD? "I'm right here Veronica." He seemed to read through her expression.
    Veronica started to become more and more aware, as her vision cleared. She could see Ellie sitting in the corner, crying, and her bare legs at the end of the bed.
   "Okay, miss, I um am going to ask you to push." Veronica wasn't even sure he was a doctor, but this needed to need NOW. Thirty minutes later a cry filled the room. A baby's cry. Her baby's cry. "It's a boy." One of the doctors said. Veronica sat up on the bed and was handed her boy. He was a perfect blue eyed baby with perfect curls and perfect little cheeks.
   "JD take the baby."
   "Somethings wrong."
JD took his son and Veronica screamed again, "what the hell?" Doctors and nurses scrambled around her to figure out what was going on.

"Is she bleeding out?"
"No, she's having another one."

   "What?" The new parents said in unison before Veronica let out another moan, followed by another cry.

    "It's a girl"

  Happiness filled both Veronica and JD for hours on end. "They need names don't they?" JD asked, bouncing their daughter next to a sleeping Ellie who laid on the windowsill. "I like Jasmine." Veronica whispered, in hopes to keep her son asleep. "For our son?" JD giggled, Veronica rolled her eyes, "No! Our daughter you idiot!"
    "Okay okay," JD threw a free hand up in defense. " I like it." He looked at his son in Veronica's arms," What about Clyde?" Veronica rolled her eyes again, " you would pick that name... I like it though. What about middle names?"

  "Crap I forgot that was a thing! They don't really need them do they?"


"Okay Okay, What about Dawn and Edward?"

Veronica raised an eyebrow, "Dawn? What about Grace?" JD nodded.
   A few minutes after that, a nurse stepped into the room, "Hi, my name is Grace, it's time for your babies to be tested and examined. They should be back in a few hours, the two of you should get some rest, but first we need to sign their birth certificates! The parents handed the nurse the newborns and filled out the birth certificates. With the slam of the door both Veronica and JD fell into a deep sleep.
   The new parents were woken up to Ellie screaming, "JD! Ronnie! Someone took the babies!" At first both of the teens jumped out of their skin before remembering what happened, now ours before. "No, honey, they had to see the doctor." Veronica pushed herself up on her elbows and put a hand on Ellie's shoulder. "Oh, okay."
    A knock filled the room followed by the opening of a door. One of the male doctors stepped into the room, as pale as a ghost with two police officers behind him. "What's wrong?" A horrible sensation of fear came over everyone in the room. "Mrs.Sawyer... Mr.Dean... your son.. has been kidnapped.
   "What?" JD yelled, "He was placed next to your daughter in the nursery to be tested, and when our nurses went to go get him, he was gone." Veronica bursted into horrible sobs, that sounded utterly heartbroken to JD. JD himself didn't know how to feel, he was angry, angrier than he'd ever been. Who would have done this? Then a light flickered. Only someone as cold as Big Bud Dean would have been Behind something this cold. But how? Another idea came.
   JD jumped back into reality at the sound of more horrible sobs, this time coming from Ellie too.
   "Your daughter is fine and untouched." The officer said, motioning his hand to the Rosy cheeked little girl who'd been sleeping through the whole mess, having no clue of the pain both of her parents were in. JD picked up his daughter and kissed her forehead. "Give me her!" Veronica cried, JD did what he was asked and started for the door. "Where are you going?" Veronica sobbed even more.

The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now