CHAPTER 13: [M] Surprise!

Start from the beginning

The FaceTime call ends with another exchange of "I love you" from you both, putting an earnest smile on both of your tired faces. It's about 1 AM in Sydney and midnight in Seoul, where you currently are. Chaeyoung was doing a bit of a power play on you where you could see her lacy bralette slightly under the oversized t-shirt that she is wearing. She's been doing that the last few times you've FaceTimed each other from the privacy of your rooms. That's why, when Christian asked to meet your girlfriend, you immediately turned him down. Fixing up her shirt so that her bra is no longer showing, Chaeyoung puts her phone on it's charging dock to get a glass of water downstairs.

"Oh, hey 아빠 (dad)!"

"Ah, Chaeyoung! What are you still doing up?"

"I was FaceTiming with Y/N. She got a little sick. I think her immune system might be taking a bit of a hit from the stress that she's under," Chaeyoung's face falls a little as she decides to make a glass of tea instead, filling the kettle up with water. "차 좀 줄까요? (Do you want some tea?)"

"No, I'm okay," Mason continues to watch his daughter prepare her cup of tea, a few questions floating around in his mind. "Chaeyoung, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, 아빠 (dad)!"

"Is Y/N the first girl you've been in a relationship with?"

"Oh-" Slightly taken back by the question, Chaeyoung has to take a moment to quickly re-compose herself. "Um... no. She isn't the first. Actually... Joy was the first."

"Oh. Sooyoung? I had no idea. You both didn't seem close to that point. I kind of picked up on it with you and Y/N."

Chaeyoung feels her face becoming a little hotter, the thought of how quickly the two of you had come to be so drawn to each other, even with the caution. "I really care about Y/N. It's different with her than it was with Sooyoung."

"Do you mind if I ask how?"

"Of course not, 아빠 (dad)." For the remainder of the night, Chaeyoung and her father stay up talking about how she came around to the fact that she isn't straight. How Sooyoung helped her discover this part of herself, how she thought she was so in love with her, but really, she was infatuated by the idea of her. And yet, even after all the pain Sooyoung had caused her, she's glad that it happened. Because she isn't sure where she would be on her own journey if it weren't for Sooyoung, and if it weren't for her ex, she doesn't know if she'd be where she currently is with you. Hell, she doesn't even know if she'd come to realise and accept that she's into girls soon enough. Mason doesn't do much talking, he only asks occasional questions amid his daughter's explanations, really wanting to genuinely know more about this side of his daughter that's been stowed away from him for so long.

"You both seem very in love with each other, Chaeyoung."

"We are. We really are, 아빠 (dad). And... I sincerely hope that one day you'll be completely okay with her and I being together."

"Do you genuinely see a future with Y/N?"

"I do."

"It hasn't been very long that you've been in each other's lives..."

"I know that, and I know you're probably concerned that we're setting ourselves up for failure... But you know I wouldn't be this open with you about this yet if I wasn't sure."

Mason sits quietly, nodding, taking in all of this information that he's getting from his daughter. Looking at her, examining her body language and facial expressions closely. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I promise to keep myself guarded when need be."

"You're 24, you have some time left, so don't rush into anything... Okay? How old is Y/N?"

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