CHAPTER 8: Timing

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Sooyoung's smile doesn't really waver too much. If anything, it appears a little sorrowful as she comes face to face with Chaeyoung. "Chaeyoung. How are you? I haven't seen you in a while."

Chaeyoung is still tense beside you. She thought about how she might react a little earlier when you saw Hyejin, but she didn't imagine she'd actually run into her ex-girlfriend like this. The fact that she's Hyejin's friend and she was the one that actually told her about your church is... definitely a surprise. "I've been great," her eyes start to dart back and forth between the objects sprawled about on the table. She becomes a little restless. Her grip on your hand tightens but is then removed almost instantly after she stands up. "Um, it's getting a little late and I have a shift here early tomorrow morning. Gotta help open up."

Chaeyoung begins to gather her things, shoving everything into her little black converse backpack, getting ready to escape a situation she doesn't think she is mentally prepared for. "Oh, you're working here now?" Silence. The last of her belongings are packed and she looks over at you. Everything happens so quickly that you're not able to really comprehend the thoughts that flash through her mind.


"Yeah, I'll talk to you later. See you guys!" And with that, Chaeyoung makes a quick exit and darts off for home, asking Alice to pick her up somewhere along the way. Sooyoung introduces herself to everyone she hasn't met yet. Your eyes don't match the smile you're giving her- Hyejin can't help but think about the irony that just repeats itself. Of all people, she had ended up befriending your new love interest's ex?


It's been just over a week since the encounter with Sooyoung and Hyejin. Hyejin came back to the service on Sunday, Sooyoung decided to accompany her and greet some old friends. Chaeyoung was a no-show, she claims she had a cold and wasn't feeling well. You wanted to visit her and check up on her, but given everything that's happened, you figured space would be ideal. Mr and Mrs Park had a nice conversation with you on Sunday and asked if you'd be free to come over for dinner sometime this coming week. Ultimately deciding on Friday evening, there are about two more nights of sleep until you'll be face-to-face with that situation.

-TO- Chipmunk Cheeks 🐿
Chae... How are you doing? I haven't heard from you much this week.

A good ten or so minutes pass and still no reply from Chaeyoung, which is unusual to you because she is normally quite good at replying.

-TO- Chipmunk Cheeks 🐿
I just want you to know that I miss you and that I hope you're doing well.

You sigh, tucking your phone away. You're meeting with Lisa soon, but before then, you decide to spend some time Asian grocery store hopping, hoping to find some banana milk substitute for your girl since she missed having it so much. "Where is it?" You called Jisoo shortly before arriving to get some ideas. Now that you've got a picture on your phone, the hunt begins.

"Y/N! How are you?" Your head snaps in the direction the voice seemed to have come from and see Mr Park in your line of vision. You quickly make your way over and he gives you a quick, friendly hug. "I haven't seen you around the house at all this week. Seems a little unusual now."

You give him a gentle chuckle, trying to figure out what to say. "Yeah, I think Chaeyoung has had a lot on her mind this week, I wanted to give her some space."

"Has something happened between you both..?"

"Oh, no. No, I don't believe so." He stares at you for a little while. Analysing your face, trying to get a feel for whether or not you're lying to him.

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