Slendy Just Wants Some Friends

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"That's strange," he mumbled. "I was sure Stephanie's picture...I hung it right here. Where could it have gone?"

A tallish white figure slumped over as he let out a heavied sigh. How could three of his daughter's drawings simply disappear? His enlongated fingers trailed down the center of the tree trunk. An emotion tried to flicker on his expressionless face as he remembered the crude drawing.

"I was proud of this one," he said quietly. "She had drawn me this time."

Even still, he needed to solve this mystery. Living alone in a forest with your three daughters and one son gets lonely, especially when your wife has left. Slender, as they called him, arched his back. Who, then, could've taken this prized possession of the pale predator pasifist? One could only wonder, until fate showed itself. Slender turned his blank stare towards a solitary human, wandering alone with a flashlight and a...thing on his head.

The awkward thing covered both of the human's ears and had a wire that hung straight in front of its mouth. The thing must possess magic, for the wire always stood in place with no support. A band ran along the human's head and connected the two large circles covering the its ears. Another mystery to solve.

Onto the human itself, it seemed fairly short and thin. Little bits of hair covered the lower half of its face. Both the hair on its chin and head had the same honey color. It hunched over a fair bit. Dark clothes clung to its upper torso and legs. The only other notable thing was its bushy eyebrows.

"Three out of eight...three out eight..." the human breathed slowly. A strange accent shrouded its masculine voice. Slender felt elated. A visitor, a visitor! He quickly advanced towards the human, even though it had probably stolen his daughter's portrait of him. The human shrieked at the sight of Slender. It turned up and its heals and ran, huffing loudly while whispering 'nope nope nope nope nope,' or something of that matter. Slender sighed again, letting his face fall over hiS own ratted shirt.

"Figures that it would run away. Even Sam, Sarah, and Susannah run sometimes," he lamented. "Stephanie doesn't run, but I suppose she's too young to get scared yet." True, Stephanie had only reached her fifth birthday and didn't know the oddity of having a father without a face. Her argument goes as follows: 'Just because he doesn't have a face doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart!'... Or something of that matter.

Slender ruffled his body, then decided to keep trying to indroduce himself to the human. "Well," said he, "I should put on my suit. Perhaps then, then the human will know I'm only trying to be polite." Slender, true to his word, changed into his suit. Now, the human proved easy to find, what with all his heavy breathing and jittery movements. Sometimes, the occasional shriek or yelp emitted from the human when it overexcited itself. Very easy to find, indeed.

"W-Who is that?!" the human screamed. For a presumed male, the human sure could hit high notes. Slender shook his head and advanced toward the human. Its whole body shuddered and it stood frozen, most likely in fear. "Slender's gonna killllll meeeeeeeee!"

"No," said Slender. "I had no plans of the sort." Of course, for some reason... This misconception, shall we say, has floated around Slender forever. No, he does not kill. No, he does not torture, nor does he capture.

"So you plan to-"


"So you're obviously going to-"

"Again, wrong."

"What the...What do you want with me, then?" The human's fear seemed to turn directs into a boiling rage, or something like that.

"My pictures."

Pictures, he said. No, no, the human thought. Pages, they're pages. But, why does he want them? No, duh, they kill him. Whatever you do, don't give them to him. Play dumb.

"Why do you want them?" Idiot! Play dumb, don't be dumb! Gahhhh...

"They' daughter's masterpieces. I'd appriciate it if you'd stop tearing them down," Slender explained, his words laced with a heavy tone.

"S-Seriously?" The human asked.

"Yes," Slender replied.

"Reeeeeally? That's all?" This human persisted. This story- the one where Slenderman goes around killing literally everyone -wasn't matching up. A scheme, of course. He's a trickster.

"Yes." Slender got impatient and thrust his hand out, motioning for the drawings.

"You sure?" The human leaned back as his face twisted. Yes, now Slender was agitated, yet... Were they truly just drawn by his daughter? That, and since when has Slender had a daughter? Trickery, I sense it...

"Yes!" Slender roared.

"Erm...okay?" The human shuffled around awkwardly, his limbs sticking out as he twisted and turned to find where he had stuffed the pages. "Here?"

"Thanks. So, um, you won't steal them again, will you?" Slender asked.

"No, I won't..." ...mother, the human thought bitterly. Slender tried to smile, yet being a monster very special being, he couldn't. He reached out and helped the human to his feet.

"So, do you want some coffee or something? There's a Starbucks pretty close to this forest."

"You're Slender. Why would you drink coffee?"

"I'm not a huge fan of it, but most people who come in here usually say they could use some Starbucks. If you don't want any, I have tea. Tea is nice. I like tea."

"Uhh... Okay?"

Slender smiled. For real this time, a visible smile spread across his face. The joy he felt radiated from his body and the sky got a little brighter. "Thank you..." he whispered. Slender had finally gotten a friend. The human's name was Freddie. Slender and Freddie drank tea together every weekend after that, and they still do today. Freddie is old now, very old. He may die soon, Slender's first and still only friend. But that's okay. They will have tea until Freddie dies.

Some people forget that even though Slender has no face, he still has feelings. So go, dear reader, and go make friends with a Slender today. Because deep down, Slendy just wants some friends too.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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