(Explicit) (DEH)

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These songs are important to the plot, so listen to them before you read the one-shot.

"Yo Conman, what do you want to listen to?

The gang was hanging out at Evan's house, and it was Connor's turn to pick music.

"Whatever, just put my personal playlist on shuffle."

"Okie dokie."

Jared presses the shuffle button on Connor's phone and decides against doing some stupid shit to or snooping around on Connor's phone, so he sets it down. Evan walks back into the living room from the bedroom down the hall. The minute Alana sees the box he's carrying she elbows Zoe and they both have a dangerous looks in their eyes.

"Dear Alana Beck, and everyone else, I will demolish you in Monopoly!"

"Not today! I'm winning today!"

Connor groans in the background and asks Evan, exasperated,

"Why would you pick Monopoly?"

"Because I know that Jared, Alana, and Zoe like it."

"But I don't!"

"Neither do I. But we're playing it."

Evan pulls out the pieces and puts them on the coffee table for everyone to pick their own pieces while he set up the board. But, he pulls two away from the pile.

"Oy, Hansen, why did you take two pieces for yourself,"

Connor called over to Evan playfully, being the only one who had seen him do it. Evan fiddles with his fingers slightly, and answers in a small voice,

"When we were little, Jared and I made pieces for ourselves' out of clay. His is a pair of glasses, and mine is a tree. They're really crappy, but I can't bring myself to throw them away."

Evan was right. The pieces were very crappy. The glasses were crooked and unsymmetricle. The tree's leaves part was cracking and looked as if it had been glued back together after breaking off.

"Dude, I can't believe you still have them!"

"O-oh um I can just throw them in the garbage if you want you know what let me just go throw it away now-"

"Nonono, I love them! I will play as the glasses until the day I die!"

Connor giggled at the banter between his two crushes. His futile love was bittersweet, as how could he possibly be faithful if he loved two instead of one?

Pushing the thoughts away, he realizes that the music is super low and nobody can hear it. So, be plugs the aux cord into his phone as the others roll the dice to decide who goes first.

Jared got the highest number, so he went first as Evan dealt out the last of the starter money to his friends. Connor sits down in between Jared and Evan. Jared rolls on the tax space. Evan smirks as Jared hands over the money.

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