Buzzfeed Unsolved>the disaperance of Peter Quill

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(Got this idea from a Tumblr post so I decided to make a 'video' about it.) (This is gonna be long probably) (is not a chat. Just kinda written like one a little bit) (wiki says he has some unnamed family I will be making up all they're names for the purpose of suspects and story and stuff.)

Today we will be talking about the mysterious disappearance of Peter Quill. I gotta say Shane this ones a doozy.

I can't wait. Tell the story Ryan. Do your story thing.


(It goes to the time line story thing.)

(Ryan narrates)

8 year old Peter Jason Quill lived in st Charles Missouri in the 80s. He lived with his mom Meredith Quill, 2 step sisters 6 year old Ellie and 2 year old Maria, 1 step brother 4 year old Joseph, and his grandfather James. (Pictures Of each of them show up)

Let's get into some back round knowledge. Quill was born in 1980 in st Charles Missouri. His unknown father had left his mother and she raised him with the help of his grandfather. No one knows who Quills father is. Meredith would say he was quote "a space-man."

(Black text screen)

A space-Man?

Yes Space-Man

That seems, made up. Like she probably felt bad about him leaving and just kind of made up a reason like (feminine voice) 'oh he has to go back to space and couldn't stay and help me but he's a good man' when really he went to like New York and forgot all about her.

I mean, maybe. I didn't even think about that.

(Back to time line thing)

She would even nicknamed Peter quote "Star-Lord."

(Text thing)

That's such a weird nick name.

Yeah I know this whole thing is weird. But it gets like really sad.

Well that's not good

(Back to time line thing)

When Peter was 6 Meredith was diagnosed with cancer. Peter and his half-siblings had a hard time with this.

(Text thing)

As any child would

Yeah. It-it's sad.

(Time line thing)

Peter seemed to take it harder then the other kids. His grandpa said in an interview about it quote "after she was diagnosed he wouldn't leave his room for about a week. We had trouble even getting him to eat. Once he finally came out of his room he wouldn't leave his mothers side for about 2 months."

After about a year and a half Meredith was in the hospital. James even said quote "we knew she was going to die. We didn't know the exact day but we it was gonna happen. And she seemed to know a few minutes right before. She asked Peter to hold her hand she said "take my hand  Peter. Take my hand." And he almost did but right before he got a chance to the monitors started beeping and he freaked out."

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