Angry Boyo

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Name: Tyrell "Quake" Hallam

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Name: Tyrell "Quake" Hallam

Age: 24

Gender: "Isn't it fùcking obvious?"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: He's always cold towards people and can get angered very easily. Though, he does tolerate his "friends". Whenever he's robbing a bank or destroying a city or stars, he's usually chilling out at some remote oasis.

-Earth Manipulation
-Earthquake Generation (Obviously)
-Metal Manipulation
-Magma Manipulation
-Seismic Sense
-Knows many forms of martial arts
-Enhanced Strength and Speed

Weapons: His own two fists

-Fear of Deep water
-Has to be in constant contact with the earth
-Prone to anger

He used to be a nice and gentle soul until all that got stripped away by this guy named Hyde. He was  tortured and treated like a lab rat as he constantly was injected by random serums. At one point, he lost his arm, but he did end up getting a cybernetic arm. After many years, he managed to kill the mad scientist and escaped.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

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