A Low Born Victory

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Disclaimers: Dark themes, police state ideas, mention of spousal abuse (including rape) on and off-screen, death of minor characters, graphic imagery and violence, frank sex discussion, copious bad language, bashing the fucking Weasley's and Dumbledore, liberties taken with mythical history.


Enola was utterly mindless, frantically racing around from room to room and putting everyone more on edge than they needed to be ... and they were bad enough as it was. Hermione was flirting with the idea of subduing her magically, if only for her own good. If it wasn't for the fact that she was clutching onto her baby wherever she went, Hermione would have probably taken that extreme option by now. She understood her anxiety completely, but Hermione was in no mood to argue with her friend.

"Sit down, Enola! You are not coming ... and that's final!" Hermione told her firmly, for at least the third time. She accepted her battle robes from Sally and stripped out of her regular clothes.

"You can't stop me! That's my husband out there!"

"And that's your daughter, crying for her mother!" Hermione shot back, nodding at Alison, balling away on her shoulder. "Her need is greater than Neville's right now. So go to her!"

Enola tried to argue, but she couldn't think of one strong enough. So she just fumed for a moment instead, then went to comfort her daughter.

"In any case," Hermione went on, fastening the dragon-teeth toggles of her robe as fast as her trembling fingers would allow. "With Harry out of action, and Neville in action, the defence of the palace falls to you. Your place is here."

"But Neville ..."

"Can take care of himself!" Hermione cried, cutting her off shrilly. "And he's not alone in the fight. Besides, I'll be there myself in the next few minutes if you leave me be!"

"And what do you intend to do?" asked Enola. "We've only had a few days of combat training together ... you aren't anything like ready to lead a rescue mission!"

Hermione turned fiercely to her. "Do you have any better ideas? Will you force Harry to wake and go in my place?"

They both looked over at the bed near the window, where Harry was sleeping peacefully away, blissfully unaware of the dramatic events unfolding in his world.

Enola frowned. "You know I wont. He's still not recovered enough of his strength yet. His body shuts down in this mode, pretty much to a coma-like state, to allow his mind and magic to heal. He comes out of it when he's ready and able ... it isn't something I can force."

"Then I have to go, there isn't another choice," Hermione replied stoutly.

"There is," Enola tried again. "You stay and I go."

"And potentially deprive that little girl of both her parents?!" Hermione volleyed back, hotly. "Not if I have any say in it, Ennie ... not in a million."

Enola opened her mouth again, but she had finally run out of arguments. She sat on the edge of Harry's bed and practically willed him to wake up ... but he just slept on soundly.

"What will you try and do?" Enola asked quietly.

"I'm not going to try anything," Hermione declared powerfully. "I'm going to find Neville and the others ... and together we'll rescue Luna, if she's still alive. Now that he's started this reckless action we might as well finish it. Then I'll burn that infernal place to the ground ... and if that fucking husband of mine is still inside it, so much the better! If not, at least I can get some closure by blowing the place to High Heaven!"

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