Carly frowned, “Like what?” She questioned.

“That cute puppy dog face you use whenever you need something,” Jasper replied poking her forehead, “You can’t do that here otherwise people will question your gender.”

Carly sighed, “Fine,” She muttered.

She hitched Callum’s bag higher on her shoulder before following the three of them to the front of the school.  Callum looked back once to give her a reassuring smile, Liam winked cheekily and Jasper flashed a peace sign.  Carly couldn’t help but smile fondly at their backs as they opened the front doors of the school and walked down the locker filled hallways.

She felt rather than saw people staring at her as she walked behind Callum, Liam and Jasper.  Her heart beat out erratically as panic set in.  Shit have they found me out already?  My life is over.  This will circle around the school for weeks.  People will point and stare and say, ‘Look!  There goes the girl who likes to dress up as a boy.’  Oh my God my social life will cease to exist.

“Oh my God who is he?  He looks cute,” Carly heard one girl mutter causing her depressing thoughts to come to an abrupt halt.

Carly turned her head to the girl and saw her staring right at her.  Carly being the insecure girl she is, turned her head to the side thinking she was talking about someone behind her, but when she found no one she quickly came to realize that the girl was talking about her.     

“His butt looks good in those jeans,” Her friend replied fanning herself.

Carly’s eyes widened and she ducked her head as a furious blush conquered over her cheeks, which only caused the girls to squeal and gush further at how cute she was.  Carly quickly sped away from the girls, catching up to the boys and stealing cautious looks over her shoulder.  Those girls weren’t the only ones who were taking a liking to Carly’s appearance, as she caught some other girls staring at her blatantly or stealing not-so-secret glances.

Carly gripped her leather bag strap tighter as she heard a few whispers of ‘cute’ circulate the air around her head.

“Jesus Carly,” Callum whispered in her ear, “If you keep this up then we’re going to have to beat the girls down from taking you away.”

“But I’m not doing anything,” She hissed pressing her side into his arm.  This was a bad idea as more squeals of ‘cute’ launched into the air and bombarded her ears.

“That’s it I’m done,” Carly said waving her arms in the air and starting to turn to make an escape.

An arm wrapped around her head and pulled her back to their side, “Oh no you don’t, you lost the bet you deal with the consequences.”

“I’ll shove those consequences right up your a-” Carly started to growl.

Jasper clamped a hand over her mouth as they came to a stop at Callum’s locker.  Callum’s locker was the closest locker to the school entrance so the group naturally ended up stuffing their extra books in there rather than going to the other end of the school where the other lockers were situated. 

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